
A program that processes QA pairs in Freebase to obtain relevant semantic triples.

Primary LanguageJava

FreebaseQACode Freebase Search

The code that produced the FreebaseQA data set - a set with question-answer pairs and their corresponding Freebase subject-predicate-object triples.

Stage 1: QA Retrieval

Although question-answer pairs can be obtained through any means, the QARetrievalMain.java class is included that extracts QA pairs from JSON files (Main.java can also perform this task, which calls on QARetrieval.java).

It is crucial that the QA pairs are formatted in a .txt file, with each new line being a question and answer SEPARATED BY '|'. QARetrievalMain.java and QARetrieval.java automatically format them in this way.

Stage 2: Entity Recognition

The next task is to "tag" the questions for named-entities. This is done through two services, the first TagMe and the second FOFE NER.

TagMe is queried using TagMeMain.java or through Main.java, which calls on TagMe.java. FOFE NER is queried using FOFE.py. All of these files create a new version of the .txt file with the tags for each question appended to the end of each line.

Stage 3: Freebase Search

Once the .txt file is prepared, with all QA pairs and associated tags, Main.java performs all of the Freebase searching. Each tag is searched in Freebase, looking for a subject that is "connected" to an object that matches the answer to the question. These collected results are outputted to a final .txt file.


  • buildall.sh compiles all Java files in a command-line setting

  • run.sh runs the specified file in a command-line setting

  • run20.sh runs Main.java which creates a new process every 20 questions, in order to bypass memory leak issues when Main.java is run for long periods of time