
The Code Sparks repo for the Emerald team group 7D

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Final Project Documentation

Features Implemented

Running the Project Locally

  • Back End Setup:
    1. Install Docker - https://docs.docker.com/get-docker/
    2. Run docker compose up from /
  • Front End Setup:
    1. Install Node and Yarn
    2. Run yarn from /client to install project dependencies
    3. Run yarn start to startup the client (please note that much of the functionality will not work without also starting up the backend services)
    4. Navigate to chrome://flags/ and enable the #enable-experimental-web-platform-features flag (This will provide your browser access to serial ports)
  • Running the Project:
    1. Navigate to http://localhost:1337/admin/auth/login and log in with the following credentials: Email: superadmin@mail.com Password: TN9q6RZhDaw6
    2. Navigate to http://localhost:3000/teacherlogin and log in with the following credentials: Email: contentcreator Password: easypassword
    3. Navigate to http://localhost:3000/galleryadmin to access the moderation page, /flag to test the flag button functionality, /administrator to test the action button functionality, or /wrenchtest to test the wrench button functionality.

How to Update the Database and Server Connections

  • For this project, we are using the Strapi collection type as our database, which is automatically connected.

Update the Database and Strapi Dump Files in your File Directory

  • Our work does not require updating the database and/or Strapi dump files.

Outstanding Work

  • Integrate our work with that of other groups such as the Gallery team
  • Finish up wrench button
  • Develop a system for newly-submitted posts/comments to be automatically scanned for inappropriate content before being posted to the gallery


Computation and Science Modeling through Making

Cloud-based programming interface

Deploy Staging Deploy Production



client is the frontend of the application. It is powered by React and Blockly.


server is the web server and application server. It is powered by Node and Strapi.


compile is an arduino compiler service. It is an unofficial fork of Chromeduino.


The project is divided into three conceptual environments.



The development environment is composed of five servers. The first one is run with the Create React App dev server. The later four are containerized with docker and run with docker compose.

  • casmm-client-dev - localhost:3000

  • casmm-server-dev - localhost:1337/admin

  • casmm-compile-dev

  • casmm-db-dev - localhost:5432

    The first time the db is started, the init_db.sh script will run and seed the database with an environment specific dump. Read about Postgres initialization scripts here. To see how to create this dump, look here.

  • casmm-compile_queue-dev



  1. Follow the client setup
  2. Run yarn start from /client

casmm-server-dev, casmm-compile-dev, casmm-db-dev, and casmm-compile_queue-dev

  1. Install docker

  2. Run docker compose up from /

    Grant permission to the scripts and server directories if you are prompted



The staging environment is a Heroku app. It is composed of a web dyno, compile dyno, Heroku Postgres add-on, and Heroku Redis add-on.


casmm-staging is automatically built from the latest commits to branches matching release/v[0-9].[0-9]. Heroku runs the container orchestration from there.



The production environment is a Heroku app. It is composed of a web dyno, compile dyno, Heroku Postgres add-on, and Heroku Redis add-on.

  • casmm - www.casmm.org
    • The web dyno runs server
    • The compile dyno runs compile


casmm is automatically built from the latest commits to master. Heroku runs the container orchestration from there.


All three components of the application have their own dependencies managed in their respective package.json files. Run npm outdated in each folder to see what packages have new releases. Before updating a package (especially new major versions), ensure that there are no breaking changes. Avoid updating all of the packages at once by running npm update because it could lead to breaking changes.


This is by far the largest and most important dependency we have. Staying up to date with its releases is important for bug/security fixes and new features. When it comes to actually upgrading Strapi make sure to follow the migration guides!


All of the deployments and releases are handled automatically with GitHub Actions. The workflows implement custom Actions that live in the auto repo.


Git Flow

We will follow this git flow for the most part — instead of individual release branches, we will have one to streamline staging deployment

Git Flow



Locked for direct commits — all commits must be made from a non-protected branch and submitted via a pull request with one approving review

  • master - Production application


Commits can be made directly to the branch

  • release - Staging application
  • develop - Working version of the application
  • feature/<scaffold>-<feature-name> - Based off of develop
    • ex. feature/cms-strapi
  • hotfix/<scaffold>-<fix-name> - Based off of master
    • ex. hotfix/client-cors

Pull Requests

Before submitting a pull request, rebase the feature branch into the target branch to resolve any merge conflicts.

  • PRs to master should squash and merge
  • PRs to all other branches should create a merge commit