PINEAPPLE faceted browsing and semantic search

Primary LanguagePHP

Build Status


Pineapple is a simple UI for the CENDARI semantic repository.


NB: When developing on OS X El Capitan you may need to install the php mbstring extension (via Homebrew, or elsewise.)

  • Install composer: wget -O - https://getcomposer.org/installer | php
  • Run php composer.phar update to install dependencies
  • Compile the css file from sass (using the Leafo compiler):
vendor/leafo/scssphp/bin/pscss -f compressed -i .:sass sass/styles.scss > public/stylesheets/styles.css
  • The app relies on the CENDARI API and Virtuoso DB. To make life easier you can set up a port forward via SSH, e.g. ssh [SERVER] -Nv -L8890:localhost:8890 -L42042:localhost:42042
  • The env var APP_DEBUG being set to true will prevent the Twig templates from caching, which you do not want when editing them.
  • The app also requires Shibboleth authentication to access the CENDARI API. While testing while the php development server you can set the eppn, mail, and cn Shibboleth auth parameters locally as environment variables and use the -d variables_order=EGPCS in php to pass them through to $_ENV (more here), for example:
export cn='Joe Blogs'
export mail=joe.blogs@example.com
export eppn=JoeBlogs@dariah.eu

php -d variables_order=EGPCS -S localhost:8000 -t public # dev server will run at http://localhost:8000


The app will respond with JSON if:

  • the Accept header contains application/json
  • a format parameter is set to json

Typical responses are as follows:

http http://localhost:8000 Accept:application/json q=='Amiens Cathedral'
    "limit": 20,
    "offset": 0,
    "query": "Amiens Cathedral",
    "resources": [
            "id": "bcc950c1-6984-4f9a-802d-3571d04d0adf",
            "lastModified": "1419000522000",
            "numMentions": 15,
            "title": "View inside Amiens Cathedral"
http localhost:8000/resource/bcc950c1-6984-4f9a-802d-3571d04d0adf Accept:application/json
    "id": "bcc950c1-6984-4f9a-802d-3571d04d0adf",
    "title": "View inside Amiens Cathedral",
    "lastModified": "1419000522000",
    "plainText": "...",
    "source": "c1-6984-4f9a-802d-3571d04d0adf",
    "mentions": [
            "prefLabel": "France",
            "type": "edm:Place",
            "uri": "http://resources.cendari.dariah.eu/locations/France"
    "related": [
            "id": "71a62833-7c4d-41a5-90aa-6f047eafd4c6",
            "title": "One of our big guns with which we annoy the enemy",
            "type": "resources"          
http localhost:8000/locations/France Accept:application/json
    "limit": 20,
    "mentions": [
            "id": "71a62833-7c4d-41a5-90aa-6f047eafd4c6",
            "title": "One of our big guns with which we annoy the enemy",
            "type": "resources"
    "prefLabel": "France",
    "type": "edm:Place",
    "uri": "http://resources.cendari.dariah.eu/locations/France"


To run the tests (few that there are) run:

./vendor/phpunit/phpunit/phpunit tests


  • Lots more functionality
  • More tests

Known Issues

  • Pineapple uses the textual name of resources and/or access points (people, places, events) in URL path sections. When these contain a period (.) the PHP development server will erroneously respond with a 404. However, the Apache production environment will work with no problems.
  • When APP_DEBUG is set to true (e.g. during development), the custom 404 handler for the ResourceNotFoundException will not get invoked.