Onedata Libraries

This is the repository used for storing all the three Onedata REST API, swagger-generated libraries.


To use this generation utility, you need to have Java installed. To install Java on your machine use apt install java.

For the libraries generation, you need to run file:

# sometimes it is needed to change the file mode
chmod u+x ./ 

After that, you will have three folders created - Python libraries for one of Onezone, Onepeorvider and Onepanel respectively.

Library documentation

Each library has its own documentation with usage and examples. This documentation can be found in library's folder with name This is a very general description of the library functions. For detailed specification, use links provided in file of each library.

Libraries usage

After a library generation, we need to import the library to our Python project. It is recommended to have venv (Virtual Environment) created.

# creates new virtual environment called venv 
python -m venv venv

# activates virtual env
source venv/bin/activate

# installs the libraries
pip install -e path/to/library/onezone_client/
pip install -e path/to/library/oneprovider_client/
pip install -e path/to/library/onepanel_client/

You can then import the libraries using:

import onezone_client
import oneprovider_client
import onepanel_client

More information about usage can be found section "Library documentation"