Honeyspider Network 2.1 Honeyspider Network is a highly-scalable system integrating multiple client honeypots to detect malicious websites. The project is a joint venture between NASK/CERT Polska (Poland) and National Cyber Security Centre (Netherlands). Our goal is to develop a complete system based on existing state-of-the-art tools and client honeypot solutions including a novel crawler application specially tailored for the bulk processing of URLs. Dependencies needed to build all of the included modules: build-essential devscripts debhelper openjdk-7-jdk maven python-all python-setuptools python-pika protobuf-compiler uuid-dev libssl-dev libconfig-dev libcurl4-openssl-dev libjson0-dev libarchive-dev libemu2 More information is available on the project's website: http://www.honeyspider.net