Overlay Template for TCLB

This is a template repository for a overlay repository for TCLB Solver. Kind of a layer you can put on top of the TCLB's repository to allow you to develop and share your models or cases in your own repo, without the "baggage" of the main repo.

How to use

After you create your own repository from this template you can:

git clone git@github.com:your_user/your_repo.git project
cd project

The update script.sh will checkout all the files of the TCLB solver and the two repositories (TCLB, and your overlay) will share the same directory. You can operate on your repository with the standard git commands with:

cp examples/flow/2d/karman.xml ./
## edit karman.xml with your favorite editor
git add karman.xml
git commit -m "My karman case"
git push

Advanced use

Selecting TCLB repo and branch

You can select the repo and branch with the --tclb url@branch option:

./update.sh --tclb git@github.com/my_user/TCLB.git # the my_user's fork
./update.sh --tclb git@github.com/my_user/TCLB.git@develop # develop branch from my_user's fork
./update.sh --tclb @develop # develop branch from the main repository

Saving the default TCLB repo and branch

You can create a file .overlay.config with the default TCLB fork and branch to use when ./update.sh is run:

> cat .overlay.config
> git add .overlay.config
> git commit -m "Adding default TCLB repo and branch"

You can also use the commandline option from the previous section with --save to create this file.

Operating on TCLB repository

And can operate on the TCLB repository with git tclb command:

git tclb remote add myfork git@github.com:my_user/TCLB.git
git tclb fetch myfork
git tclb switch -c fix/stuff
## fixing stuff in TCLB
git tclb commit -a -m "I fixed stuff"
git tclb push myfork fix/stuff
## Open pull request at:
## https://github.com/my_user/TCLB/pull/new/fix/stuff