A Nextflow pipeline for fast and accurate SNP distance estimation from WGS read data or genome assemblies

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CFSAN SNP Pipeline 2 (CSP2)

Dr. Robert Literman

Office of Analytics and Outreach
Center for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition
US Food and Drug Administration

Current Release: v.0.9.0 (Dec-20-2023)
Last Push: Dec-21-2023

Important Note: CSP2 is currently under development, and has not been validated for non-research purposes. Current workflows and data processing parameters may change prior to full release version.

CSP2 is a Nextflow pipeline for rapid, accurate SNP distance estimation from assembly data

CSP2 runs on Unix, with the handful of dependencies listed in the Software Dependencies section. CSP2 was developed to (1) improve on the speed of the CFSAN SNP Pipeline (CSP), (2) to reduce computational burden when analyzing larger isolate clusters, and (3) to remove the dependency for raw Illumina data. CSP2 relies on the accurate and rapid alignment of genome assemblies provided by MUmmer, which typically complete within seconds. This provides significant reductions in runtime compared to methods that rely on read mapping. The use of assemblies in place of sequencing data also means that:

  • the amount storage needed can be substantially reduced,
  • significantly less computational resources are required,
  • as long as assemblies are available, isolates can be compared regardless of sequencing platform or whether publicly available sequence data even exists

CSP2 runs are managed via Nextflow, providing the user with an array of customizations while also facilitating module development and additions in future releases.

Important Note: The software continues to be focused on the analysis of groups of bacterial genomes with limited evolutionary differences (<1000 SNPs). Testing is underway to determine how the underlying cluster diversity impacts distances estimates.

CSP2 has two main run modes (See Examples):

1) "Screening Mode" (--runmode screen): Used to determine whether query isolates are close to a set of reference isolates (e.g., lab control strains, strains related to an outbreak, etc.)

Given one or more user-provided reference isolates (--ref_reads; --ref_fasta), get alignment statistics and SNP distances between all reference and query isolates (--reads; --fasta)

2) "SNP Pipeline Mode" (--runmode snp): Used to generate pairwise distances and alignments for a set of query isolates

Generate pairwise SNP distances and alignments for 2+ isolates (--reads; --fasta) based on comparisons to:

  • One or more user-provided references (--ref_reads; --ref_fasta), or
  • One or more reference isolates selected by RefChooser (--n_ref)

All CSP2 sequence comparisons happen at the assembly level, but if reads are provided CSP2 will perform a genome assembly using SKESA. In either case, CSP2 then calls MUMmer for alignment. If a sufficient portion of the reference genome is aligned (--min_cov), that data is passed through a set of filters that largely mimic those from the CFSAN SNP Pipeline, including the automated removal of:

  • Sites from short alignments (--min_len)
  • Sites from poorly aligned contigs (--min_iden)
  • Sites close to the contig edge (--query_edge/--ref_edge)
  • Sites from regions of high SNP density (--dwin/--wsnps)
  • Multiply aligned sites
  • Non-base sites (e.g., 'N' or '?')
  • Heterozygous sites
  • Indels (for now)

This final dataset is summarized into a .snpdiffs file, which contains:

  1. A one-line header with alignment statistics
  2. A BED file of contig mappings that pass QC
  3. Information about SNPs (if present)

To avoid unnecessary realignment, once a .snpdiffs file is generated under a particular set of QC parameters (which is hardcoded into the .snpdiffs file as the "QC_String") these files can be used in other CSP2 runs via the --snpdiffs argument (if using the same QC parameters).

Software Dependencies

The following software are required to run CSP2. Software version used during CSP2 development noted in parentheses.

Installing CSP2

CSP2 can be installed by cloning the GitHub repo and configuring the nextflow.config and profiles.config to suit your needs

git clone https://github.com/CFSAN-Biostatistics/CSP2.git

Tips for configuring CSP2

CSP2 options can be specified on the command line, or through the Nextflow configuration files detailed in the next section. Feel free to skip this section if you're familiar with editing Nextflow configuration files.

There are two main configuration files associated with CSP2:

  • The profiles.config file is where you add custom information about your computing environment, but you can also set parameters here as well. An example configuration setup (slurmHPC) is provided as a model.

  • In this example profile, access to the required programs relies on the loading of modules. However, there is no need to specify a module for Python, MUMmer, SKESA, bedtools, or RefChooser if those programs are already in your path.

profiles {
    standard {
        process.executor = 'local'
        params.cores = 1
        params.python_module = ""
        params.mummer_module = ""
        params.skesa_module = ""
        params.bedtools_module = ""
        params.refchooser_module = ""
    slurmHPC {
        process.executor = 'slurm'
        params.cores = 20
        params.python_module = "python/3.8.1"
        params.mummer_module = "mummer/4.0.0"
        params.skesa_module = "skesa/2.5.0"
        params.bedtools_module = "bedtools"
        params.refchooser_module = "refchooser/0.2.1"
  • If you plan to run CSP2 locally, be sure to edit params.cores in the standard profile to match the available cores on your system
  • If you add your own profile, be sure to note it on the command line (one hypen)
nextflow run CSP2.nf -profile myNewProfile <args>
  • The nextflow.config file is where you can change other aspects of the CSP2 run, including data location, QC parameters, and all the options listed below:

Options with defaults include:

Parameter Description Default Value
--outroot Base directory to create output folder $CWD
--out Name of the output folder to create (must not exist) CSP2_${new java.util.Date().getTime()}
--forward Full file extension for forward/left reads of query _1.fastq.gz
--reverse Full file extension for reverse/right reads of reference _2.fastq.gz
--ref_forward Full file extension for forward/left reads of reference _1.fastq.gz
--ref_reverse Full file extension for reverse/right reads of reference _2.fastq.gz
--readext Extension for single-end reads for query fastq.gz
--ref_readext Extension for single-end reads for reference fastq.gz
--min_cov Do not analyze queries that cover less than <min_cov>% of the reference assembly 85
--min_iden Only consider alignments where the percent identity is at least <min_iden>% 99
--min_len Only consider alignments that span at least <min_len>bp 500
--dwin A comma-separated list of windows to check SNP densities 1000,125,15
--wsnps The maximum number of SNPs allowed in the corresponding window from --dwin 3,2,1
--query_edge Only consider SNPs that occur within <query_edge>bp of the end of a query contig 250
--ref_edge Only consider SNPs that occur within <query_edge>bp of the end of a reference contig 250
--n_ref The number of RefChooser reference isolates to consider (only applied if using RefChooser) 1

Options without defaults include:

Parameter Description
--reads Location of query read data (Path to directory, or path to file with multiple directories)
--fasta Location of query assembly data (Path to directory containing FASTAs, path to FASTA, path to multiple FASTAs)
--ref_reads Location of reference read data (Path to directory, or path to file with multiple directories)
--ref_fasta Location of reference assembly data (Path to directory containing FASTAs, path to FASTA, path to multiple FASTAs)
--python_module Name of Python module if 'module load PYTHON' statement is required.
--mummer_module Name of MUmmer module if 'module load MUMMER' statement is required.
--skesa_module Name of SKESA module if 'module load SKESA' statement is required.
--refchooser_module Name of RefChooser module if 'module load REFCHOOSER' statement is required.
--bedtools_module Name of BEDTools module if 'module load BEDTOOLS' statement is required.
--trim_name A string in assembly file names that you want to remove from sample IDs (e.g., _contigs_skesa)


The repo contains small test datasets to ensure things are running as expected. Here are a few examples of how you can use CSP2 in screening mode or in SNP pipeline mode.

Screening Mode (Example)

Situation: As part of a long-term microbiology experiment, you perform weekly WGS sequencing on isolates as they evolve under different selective conditions. As results, your DNA sequencing facility returns raw WGS reads and assembled genomes.

During Week 42, analyses start detecting high numbers of mutations, and assembly-based results are not concordant with read-based results. You suspect that either the reads or assembly you were given may be from their lab control strain, but you want to check first.

The data:

  • Read data
    • Week_42_Reads_1.fq.gz; Week_42_Reads_2.fq.gz
  • Assembled data:
    • Week_42_Assembly.fa
    • Lab_Control.fasta

In this case, we want to use --runmode screen, because we want to explicitly check if either dataset matches the reference strain.

  • Note: By default, CSP2 expects read data as zipped fastqs (fastq.gz), with paired-end reads denoted as _1.fastq.gz and _2.fastg.gz. These settings can be changed:
    • Permanently in the nextflow.config file
    • Situationally in profiles.config
    • Directly on the command line, as in the example below:
      • Query Reads: --readext; --forward; --reverse
      • Reference Reads: --ref_readext; --ref_forward; --ref_reverse

To run this example locally, where Nextflow, SKESA, MUMmer, Python, and BEDTools are installed on your path, run:

nextflow run CSP2.nf --out Test_Output/Contamination_Screen --runmode screen --ref_fasta assets/Screen/Assembly/Lab_Control.fasta --fasta assets/Screen/Assembly/Week_42_Assembly.fasta --reads assets/Screen/Reads --forward _1.fq.gz --reverse _2.fq.gz --readext fq.gz
nextflow run CSP2.nf                                    // Run CSP2  
--out Test_Output/Contamination_Screen                  // Save results to ./Test_Output/Contamination_Screen  
--runmode screen                                        // Compare each query to the reference
--ref_fasta assets/Screen/Assembly/Lab_Control.fasta    // Compare all queries to this reference  
--fasta assets/Screen/Assembly/Week_42_Assembly.fasta   // Include this assembly as a query
--reads assets/Screen/Reads                             // Include any read datasets from this directory as queries
--forward _1.fq.gz                                      // Forward reads don't match the default '_1.fastq.gz'
--reverse _2.fq.gz                                      // Reverse reads don't match the default '_2.fastq.gz'
--readext fq.gz                                         // Reads don't match the default 'fastq.gz'

If you're running on an HPC and you need to load modules, you could include your custom profile:

# Load Nextflow module if necessary
module load nextflow

nextflow run CSP2.nf -profile slurmHPC --out Test_Output/Contamination_Screen --runmode screen --ref_fasta assets/Screen/Assembly/Lab_Control.fasta --fasta assets/Screen/Assembly/Week_42_Assembly.fasta --reads assets/Screen/Reads --forward _1.fq.gz --reverse _2.fq.gz --readext fq.gz
nextflow run CSP2.nf                                    // Run CSP2  
-profile slurmHPC                                       // Choose run profile (**note single hyphen**)
--out Test_Output/Contamination_Screen                  // Save results to ./Test_Output/Contamination_Screen  
--runmode screen                                        // Compare each query to the reference
--ref_fasta assets/Screen/Assembly/Lab_Control.fasta    // Compare all queries to this reference  
--fasta assets/Screen/Assembly/Week_42_Assembly.fasta   // Include this assembly as a query
--reads assets/Screen/Reads                             // Include any read datasets from this directory as queries
--forward _1.fq.gz                                      // Forward reads don't match the default '_1.fastq.gz'
--reverse _2.fq.gz                                      // Reverse reads don't match the default '_2.fastq.gz'
--readext fq.gz                                         // Reads don't match the default 'fastq.gz'


If all went well, you should see something like this:

Nextflow print output for screening run

From top to bottom, we can see that CSP2:

  • Found the paired-end reads
  • Assembled them using SKESA
  • Saved an assembly log
  • Aligned both queries against the reference using MUMmer
  • Ran the screening script to generate the output table

Let's take a look to see what was generated:

ls Test_Output/Contamination_Screen


-Note: This output is available to inspect in assets/Screen/Output


  • Assemblies: Directory where any SKESA assemblies are stored
  • logs: Directory where run logs are stored
  • MUMmer_Output: Directory where raw MUMmer .snps, .report, .1coords are stored
  • snpdiffs: Directory where .snpdiffs files are stored


  • Query_Isolates.tsv: A TSV file with basic FASTA stats for each query isolate

    Query_ID Query_Assembly Query_SHA256 Query_Contig_Count Query_Assembly_Bases
    Week_42_Assembly assets/Screen/Assembly/Week_42_Assembly.fasta 85c216de6e1bb9ccf76e7e5d64931884375d66e765f4c4fe726f3be15eb91563 747 4473771
    Week_42_Reads Test_Output/Contamination_Screen/Assemblies/Week_42_Reads.fasta 28eca0ecf14fcc1166ae7236c849acc08ad040cd011fc4331ba124db73601009 372 4561747
  • Reference_Isolates.tsv: A TSV file with basic FASTA stats for each reference isolate

    Reference_ID Reference_Assembly Reference_SHA256 Reference_Contig_Count Reference_Assembly_Bases
    Lab_Control assets/Screen/Assembly/Lab_Control.fasta aae3a07d055bff2fa66127ca77cae35dd5cce5cc42dafea481787d4010c7dbef 254 4584986
  • Screening_Results_PassQC.tsv: A TSV file with screening results for all queries that made it through QC

    Query_ID Reference_ID SNPs Percent_Query_Aligned Percent_Reference_Aligned Median_Percent_Identity Median_SNP_Percent_Identity Purged_Alignment Purged_N Purged_Indel Purged_Duplicate Purged_Het Purged_Density Filtered_Edge
    Week_42_Assembly Lab_Control 1 99.97 97.55 100.00 99.99 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
    Week_42_Reads Lab_Control 49 99.55 99.04 100.00 99.99 11 0 2 0 0 0 3
    • Note: There will be a separate file for any queries that fail QC, along with some indication as to why they failed (Screening_Results_FailQC.tsv)
    • Columns
      • SNPs: The SNP distance between the query and reference assemblies
      • Percent_(Query/Reference)_Aligned: The percent of bases from the (query/reference) genome involved in an 1-to-1 alignment that passed QC
      • Median_Percent_Identity: The median percent identity of all 1-to-1 alignments
      • Median_SNP_Percent_Identity: The median percent identity of 1-to-1 alignments containing SNPs
      • Purged_Alignment: Count of MUMmer SNPs removed due to falling on short alignments (--min_len) or contigs with low similarity (--min_iden)
      • Purged_N: Count of MUMmer SNPs removed due to presence of a non-ACTG base
      • Purged_Indel: Count of MUMmer indel SNPs removed
      • Purged_Duplicate: Count of MUMmer SNPs removed due to duplicated mapping to the same region (the SNP from the longest contig is retained unless there is heterozygosity)
      • Purged_Het: Count of MUMmer SNPs removed due multiple alignments with multiple bases
      • Purged_Density: Count of MUMmer SNPs removed due to having too many SNPs (--wsnps) within prescribed windows (--dwin)
      • Filtered_Edge: Count of MUMmer SNPs removed due to falling too near the edge of the contig in the query (--query_edge) or reference (--ref_edge)
  • SNPDiffs Files

    • The .snpdiffs files generated by CSP2 have three main components:
      1. Header: The header row of a .snpdiffs file contains all the same information as the screening results TSV.

        • To peek at a .snpdiffs header, try:
          head -1 (QUERY)__vs__(REF).snpdiffs | tr "\t" "\n"
      2. BED File: Assuming sufficient overlap in assemblies, the next section will be a BED file of all the 1-to-1 overlaps between the query and reference that passed QC. This section is denoted by '##\t'

        grep "##" Week_42_Reads__vs__Lab_Control.snpdiffs | head -10
        ##      SRR16119110_100_32.8137 1       6519
        ##      SRR16119110_100_32.8137 6587    7524
        ##      SRR16119110_100_32.8137 7829    36104
        ##      SRR16119110_102_54.229  226     12863
        ##      SRR16119110_103_30.5388 144     6585
        ##      SRR16119110_104_40.3209 1       12590
        ##      SRR16119110_104_40.3209 12665   19615
        ##      SRR16119110_105_32.917  34      11125
        ##      SRR16119110_106_22.2235 1       2959
        ##      SRR16119110_107_44.0162 140     12900
      3. SNP Data: Finally, the third section of a .snpdiffs file contains all the data on SNPs that passed and failed QC. Only SNPs with the Category "SNP" are counted in the final distance. The columns headers are:

      • Reference_Contig/Position, SNP_Category, Reference_Base, Query_Base, Query_Contig/Position, Alignment_Length, Percent_Identity

        grep -v "#" Week_42_Reads__vs__Lab_Control.snpdiffs | head -10
        SRR16119110_107_44.0162/199487  Purged_Indel    C       .       Contig_93_15.202/78689  84047   99.99
        SRR16119110_107_44.0162/199488  Purged_Indel    G       .       Contig_93_15.202/78689  84047   99.99
        SRR16119110_135_26.5159/2371    Filtered_Edge   G       A       Contig_215_11.8373/2371 2511    99.96
        SRR16119110_169_34.8837/29667   Filtered_Edge   C       T       Contig_343_14.7634/29737        29908   99.99
        SRR16119110_68_27.0865/4663     Filtered_Edge   T       G       Contig_87_14.297/4      2865    99.97
        SRR16119110_107_44.0162/79354   SNP     A       T       Contig_138_15.1806/38295        75647   99.99
        SRR16119110_107_44.0162/96798   SNP     C       T       Contig_138_15.1806/55739        75647   99.99
        SRR16119110_107_44.0162/105822  SNP     G       A       Contig_138_15.1806/64763        75647   99.99
        SRR16119110_107_44.0162/170609  SNP     G       A       Contig_93_15.202/49812  84047   99.99
        SRR16119110_107_44.0162/183056  SNP     C       T       Contig_93_15.202/62259  84047   99.99


    Based on these results, the assembly provided by the DNA sequencing facility had only 1 SNP relative to the lab control strain, but the read data was over 40 SNPs away, suggesting that the wrong assembly was packaged with the read data.

SNP Pipeline Mode (Example)

Situation: You dug 10 soil samples and isolated a single microbe from each. You want to check the relatedness of the cultured isolates.

The data:

  • Assemblies from soil isolates (Sample_(A-O).fasta)

In this case, we want to use --runmode snp, because we want to calculate the pairwise distances between all isolates and generate alignments. We will let RefChooser choose the best reference genome.

nextflow run CSP2.nf --out Test_Output/Soil_Analysis --runmode snp --fasta assets/SNP/
nextflow run CSP2.nf              // Run CSP2  
--out Test_Output/Soil_Analysis   // Save results to ./Test_Output/Soil_Analysis  
--runmode snp                     // Compare all queries to each other
--fasta assets/SNP                // Gather query assemblies from this directory


If all went well, you should see something like this:

Nextflow print output for SNP Pipeline run

From top to bottom, we can see that CSP2:

  • Skipped assembly steps, as queries were already assembled
  • Ran RefChooser to choose a suitable reference genome
  • Aligned each query to the reference using MUMmer
  • Ran the SNP pipeline workflow on the .snpdiffs files to generate alignments and SNP distance data

Let's take a look to see what was generated:

ls Test_Output/Soil_Analysis


-Note: This output is available to inspect in assets/SNP/Output


  • logs: Directory where run logs are stored
  • MUMmer_Output: Directory where raw MUMmer .snps, .report, .1coords are stored
  • snpdiffs: Directory where .snpdiffs files are stored
  • SNP_Sample_A: Directory where SNP pipeline results using Sample_A as a reference are stored


  • The log file for any SNP pipeline run contains lots of useful information, including runtimes and output locations.

    cat logs/SNP_Sample_A.log
    SNP Analysis
    Reference Isolate: Sample_A
    2023-12-18 13:49:19
    Step 1: Reading in .snpdiffs files...Done!
            - Found 14 .snpdiffs files
            - Processed 14 .snpdiffs files in 0.37s
    Step 2: Performing sanity checks...Done!
    Step 3: Removing alignments that failed QC...Done!
            - 14 alignments passed QC
    Step 4: Collecting SNPs from all queries...Done!
            - 163 SNPs detected
    Step 5: Processing purged loci...Done!  - No purged sites to process...
    Step 6: Creating BED file for all SNP loci...Done! (0.06s)
    Step 7: Looking for SNP loci that are not covered in any query...Done! (0.17s)
            - Queries lacked alignment coverage for 8 total sites
    Step 8: Looking for SNP loci that have the reference base in some queries...Done! (0.05s)
            - Queries had the reference base for for 1992 total sites
    Step 9: Compiling data and checking SNP counts...Done!
            - Saved locus category data to Test_Output/Soil_Analysis/SNP_Sample_A/Locus_Categories.tsv
            - Saved isolate data to Test_Output/Soil_Analysis/SNP_Sample_A/Isolate_Data.tsv
    Step 10: Processing alignment data...Done!
            - Created alignment(s) in 0.18s
            - Saved alignment to Test_Output/Soil_Analysis/SNP_Sample_A/snp_alignment.fasta
            - Saved ordered list of loci to Test_Output/Soil_Analysis/SNP_Sample_A/Loc_List.txt
            - Identified no sites to prune.
                    - Saved original alignment to Test_Output/Soil_Analysis/SNP_Sample_A/pruned_snp_alignment.fasta
                    - Saved original ordered list of pruned loci to Test_Output/Soil_Analysis/SNP_Sample_A/Pruned_Loc_List.txt
    Step 11: Processing pairwise comparisons files...Done!
            - Calculated 105 pairwise distances in 0.24s
            - Saved pairwise distance data to Test_Output/Soil_Analysis/SNP_Sample_A/distance_pairwise.tsv
            - Saved distance matrix to Test_Output/Soil_Analysis/SNP_Sample_A/distance_matrix.tsv
                    - No sites pruned, saved original pairwise distance data to Test_Output/Soil_Analysis/SNP_Sample_A/pruned_distance_pairwise.tsv
                    - No sites pruned, saved original distance matrix to Test_Output/Soil_Analysis/SNP_Sample_A/pruned_distance_matrix.tsv
    Total Runtime: 1.32s
  • For each reference sample there will be a folder called SNP_Reference_ID, containing:

    • Isolate_Data.tsv: A TSV file containing the alignment information for each query, along with data about the reference isolate
    • Locus_Categories.tsv: A TSV file containing information about each SNP and how many isolates had missing or purged data
    • snp_alignment.fasta: A FASTA alignment of SNPs
    • Loc_List.txt: The ordered list of locs (Reference Contig/Position) of SNPs corresponding to snp_alignment.fasta
    • distance_matrix.tsv: A distance matrix for all queries that passed QC
    • distance_pairwise.tsv: A TSV file containing Query_1,Query_2,SNP_Distance,Cocalled_Sites
  • There is a pruning step that removes any SNPs where > 2/3 isolates have missing data, resulting in:

    • pruned_snp_alignment.fasta: A FASTA alignment of SNPs after pruning
    • Pruned_Loc_List.txt: The ordered list of locs (Reference Contig/Position) of SNPs corresponding to pruned_snp_alignment.fasta
    • pruned_distance_matrix.tsv: A distance matrix for all queries that passed QC after pruning
    • pruned_distance_pairwise.tsv: A TSV file containing Query_1,Query_2,SNP_Distance,Cocalled_Sites after pruning

Let's check out our isolate data:

cat Test_Output/Soil_Analysis/SNP_Sample_A/Isolate_Data.tsv
Isolate_ID Assembly Contig_Count Assembly_Bases SHA256 Category Percent_Reference_Aligned Percent_Query_Aligned SNPs Purged_Alignment Purged_N Purged_Het Purged_Indel Purged_Density Filtered_Edge
Sample_D assets/SNP/Sample_D.fasta 55 4627990 0a8824d9ecda9632b817d421c082e8bf87b613a8032e6e41ce02fb8a8167d8c0 PASS 99.97 99.93 10 0 0 0 9 0 0
Sample_F assets/SNP/Sample_F.fasta 275 4582721 1f9e26d3f5ea00ac336292f5877077fcf74f8fbfa13c7e64c594f9808fd392ef PASS 99.04 99.98 28 0 0 0 1 0 1
Sample_H assets/SNP/Sample_H.fasta 54 4728796 7f3d73397edee903cfea5b796e4f1a257cc50b63233dcb68a5379ec4fad22953 PASS 99.97 97.81 25 0 0 0 1 0 0
Sample_E assets/SNP/Sample_E.fasta 84 4624417 342f8303aafabca5c3e3f175b975cab322eb91fa1f0aabb72340f07bd4740623 PASS 99.93 99.97 10 0 0 0 3 0 0
Sample_C assets/SNP/Sample_C.fasta 49 4668385 c4676142f6ab101d74ffea7d9315433ccaacee08df481f019cdc2cf29969f52b PASS 99.98 99.08 18 0 0 0 1 0 0
Sample_B assets/SNP/Sample_B.fasta 40 4631086 2486ab6c17c1c7997a5707111aa8e2cac41c578382aff413fa66086a31fbde38 PASS 99.99 99.88 31 0 0 0 1 2 4
Sample_K assets/SNP/Sample_K.fasta 38 4632444 eb45e2ad3c47422df1d3bb56c8900d89daf2e623e00389a94d77f2099e6288ff PASS 99.95 99.82 15 0 0 0 14 0 0
Sample_I assets/SNP/Sample_I.fasta 47 4668267 e05093575566fd4d00f1e50534435fc38b757b0f26ff73c3046ac9f436fd6208 PASS 99.97 99.07 12 0 0 0 2 0 0
Sample_M assets/SNP/Sample_M.fasta 805 4587464 43cb745a1d68479c4c5478bc92d6dbe3c8c999be665ce6394243b7b659a7fa1f PASS 98.14 98.97 27 0 0 0 1 0 2
Sample_L assets/SNP/Sample_L.fasta 61 4627094 c0c473f21eb8c605b2bd77299e5cbff8d7e6944d62937f0202efb6425f7a1f2c PASS 99.94 99.93 9 0 0 0 3 0 0
Sample_G assets/SNP/Sample_G.fasta 254 4584986 aae3a07d055bff2fa66127ca77cae35dd5cce5cc42dafea481787d4010c7dbef PASS 99.07 99.97 29 0 0 0 1 0 1
Sample_O assets/SNP/Sample_O.fasta 83 4623444 cbcc76d3c8bd2e8c61daeb1abeeab82b5f6285b1b52ec3211252fe8fa721df78 PASS 99.87 99.93 34 0 0 0 15 3 0
Sample_J assets/SNP/Sample_J.fasta 170 4730789 f4b68669533ce36a0f19f97ed11ffa0ea40daa27767f9b094cca7d4ffff53225 PASS 99.58 97.38 17 0 0 0 1 0 0
Sample_N assets/SNP/Sample_N.fasta 63 4667287 d32b34cc2dd9824e5381b505505ff44d510d4e9d5e7352eab60ec2878d3a688b PASS 99.95 99.07 17 0 0 0 1 0 0
Sample_A assets/SNP/Sample_A.fasta 50 4626313 dae2379030db9c465040198216d2976ef11fcea1a5739c2dc47950253842bd4b Reference_Isolate

Everything seems to have aligned well, so let's check the SNP distances for our samples:

cat pruned_distance_matrix.tsv
Sample_A Sample_B Sample_C Sample_D Sample_E Sample_F Sample_G Sample_H Sample_I Sample_J Sample_K Sample_L Sample_M Sample_N Sample_O
Sample_A 0 31 18 10 10 28 29 25 12 17 15 9 27 17 34
Sample_B 31 0 39 31 31 49 50 48 33 38 36 36 50 38 27
Sample_C 18 39 0 18 18 35 35 35 14 24 23 23 36 7 42
Sample_D 10 31 18 0 0 28 29 27 12 17 15 15 29 17 34
Sample_E 10 31 18 0 0 28 29 27 12 17 15 15 29 17 34
Sample_F 28 49 35 28 28 0 3 45 29 32 30 33 46 34 52
Sample_G 29 50 35 29 29 3 0 46 30 33 31 34 47 35 53
Sample_H 25 48 35 27 27 45 46 0 29 34 32 30 44 34 51
Sample_I 12 33 14 12 12 29 30 29 0 18 17 17 30 13 36
Sample_J 17 38 24 17 17 32 33 34 18 0 12 22 36 23 41
Sample_K 15 36 23 15 15 30 31 32 17 12 0 20 34 22 39
Sample_L 9 36 23 15 15 33 34 30 17 22 20 0 32 22 39
Sample_M 27 50 36 29 29 46 47 44 30 36 34 32 0 35 53
Sample_N 17 38 7 17 17 34 35 34 13 23 22 22 35 0 41
Sample_O 34 27 42 34 34 52 53 51 36 41 39 39 53 41 0

And the alignment:

cat pruned_snp_alignment.fasta


To see if the reference genome has an impact on SNP distance estimation, you can test one or more via --ref_fasta / --ref_reads or have RefChooser choose --n_ref isolates

nextflow run CSP2.nf --out Test_Output/Soil_Analysis --runmode snp --fasta assets/SNP/ --n_ref 3
nextflow run CSP2.nf              // Run CSP2  
--out Test_Output/Soil_Analysis   // Save results to ./Test_Output/Soil_Analysis  
--runmode snp                     // Compare all queries to each other
--fasta assets/SNP                // Gather query assemblies from this directory
--n_ref 3                         // Choose the top 3 references from RefChooser and run 3 sepearate analyses