
A series of scripts for automating Roam Research tasks on Windows.

Primary LanguageAutoHotkey


A series of scripts for automating Roam Research tasks on Windows.

If you'd like help adapting any of these or implementing new AHK functionality of your own, feel free to reach out! I'd be happy to advise/assist.

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Table of Contents

Download AutoHotkey

To run the scripts in this repo, you'll need to have AutoHotkey. See the AutoHotkey Beginner Tutorial for detailed steps on how to install and an overview of some basic concepts.

This extremely simple script copies highlighted text, sends the Windows Alt+Tab keyboard shortcut to switch to the previous window, and then pastes whatever is in the clipboard:

gif example of copy-to-roam

Will work OS-wide, not just for Roam, but is not smart enough to select a specific window. It just switches to the previous window from wherever the shortcut is triggered. Currently keyed to Alt + V (configurable by changing the first line in the script; see comment).

Grabs the Youtube timestamp of a currently-playing video and puts it in the clipboard ready to paste somewhere else (such as Roam). Does not pause the video and works with currently-running videos. Currently keyed to Alt + O (configurable by changing the first line in the script):

gif example of youtube-timestamp

Works by executing the following steps:

  • Select the entire current window (Ctrl+A)
  • Copy the current selection (Ctrl+C)
  • Run a RegEx on the current Clipboard contents to extract the current timestamp
  • Replace the Clipboard contents with the extracted timestamp
  • Automatically click the mouse at a pre-set position in the current window to de-select the current window
  • Return mouse to starting position

Could easily be extended to also switch from the current window (e.g. in Roam) to the window containing Youtube, grab the timestamp, automatically switch back, and automatically paste the grabbed timestamp for more Eloquent-like functionality.

Corrects all punctuation to Title Case (ignoring common words per APA Style Guidelines (easy to update if you prefer a different list), and also triggers Ctrl+Alt+{1,2,3} to create header level in Roam:

gif example of title-case-and-header

Three different keyboard shortcuts in use:

  • Alt+B for 1st Level Header
  • Alt+N for 2nd Level Header
  • Alt+M for 3rd Level Header

All three correct capitalization. Must be in active edit mode on a block to work properly (otherwise, selects the entire Roam page and may appear to delete it--be careful and remember to Ctrl+Z if needed!).

I do a lot of reading related to the Christian faith. Different authors abbreviate books of the Hebrew/Christian Bible in different ways, which makes linking up all the different references to those texts time-consuming and mentally taxing. So, I wrote a RegEx and hooked it up to a keyboard shortcut to do that work for me:

gif example of bible-chapter-tagger.ahk

This script cuts whatever is highlighted into the Clipboard, runs two different rounds of RegEx replacement on it (first to expand abbreviations, second to add brackets), and then pastes the result back to where it originally clipped from. It's reasonably efficient (I've run it on plaintext documents containing thousands of lines) and it covers most variations I've encountered for abbreviation formatting and sentence position. If you find cases that don't work, feel welcome to submit an issue/make a PR to help me improve.

Inspired by @CatoMinor3 in this tweet: https://twitter.com/CatoMinor3/status/1297805176296869890?s=20

gif example of split-at-delimiter

Runs a RegEx replacement to split Roam blocks (default to "-"; can be changed by updating the RegEx string). To access, hold down Ctrl+Right Click to bring up the context menu.

Implemented for @codexeditor based on this tweet: https://twitter.com/codexeditor/status/1308376716373454848?s=20

gif example of shorthand-expander

Replaces the following:

  • w. = with
  • b.n = between
  • r.n.s = relationships
  • w.in = within

A template/"mental model" for capturing important delegation information on tasks to be reassigned to someone else. Based off of "360 Delegation" method from this blog post by Tim Francis on Profit Factory : https://profitfactory.com/360delegation/

(Modified slightly from the Profit Factory version to add "Communication" bullet between "Resources" and "Definition of 'Done'".)

Triggers on hotstring "r-360d":

gif example of 360-delegation

Immediately after text insert, automatically collapses "Inspiration" bullets to give cleaner, less cluttered visual for starting to write. "Inspiration" bullets can easily be removed once context-specific details are added under each step.