This directory contains supplementary material for the paper "Real-Time Fluid Dynamics for Games" by Jos Stam. This is the content of the directories: code/ contains solver.c and demo.c solver.c is the basic fluid solver in two dimensions and code.c is a prototype that uses the code. It uses OpenGL and GLUT for its interface and should run on many different platforms. Palm/ contains fluid.prc Simple 2D demo that runs on Palm devices. Simply copy it over to your Palm. PocketPC2002/ contains four executable: WindTunnel.exe, PocketPaint.exe, PocketDensity.exe and PocketFluids.exe. Copy these over to your PocketPC device to run them. Note that they only run on devices with an ARM/Xscale processor and running PocketPC2002.
Supplementary material for the paper "Real-Time Fluid Dynamics for Games" by Jos Stam.