This is the released codes of the following paper:
Kangzheng Liu, Feng Zhao, Guandong Xu, Xianzhi Wang, and Hai Jin. RETIA: Relation-Entity Twin-Interact Aggregation for Temporal Knowledge Graph Extrapolation. ICDE 2023.
Please find the citation information of our paper here:
author = {Kangzheng Liu and
Feng Zhao and
Guandong Xu and
Xianzhi Wang and
Hai Jin},
title = {{RETIA:} Relation-Entity Twin-Interact Aggregation for Temporal Knowledge
Graph Extrapolation},
booktitle = {39th {IEEE} International Conference on Data Engineering, {ICDE} 2023,
Anaheim, CA, USA, April 3-7, 2023},
pages = {1761--1774},
publisher = {{IEEE}},
year = {2023},
url = {},
doi = {10.1109/ICDE55515.2023.00138},
timestamp = {Thu, 27 Jul 2023 17:17:25 +0200},
biburl = {},
bibsource = {dblp computer science bibliography,}
First, train the model based on the information of an invariant historical range (i.e., the size of the training set). The training parameters for different datasets are presented as follows:
cd src
python -d YAGO --train-history-len 3 --test-history-len 3 --lr 0.001 --n-layers 2 --evaluate-every 1 --n-hidden 200 --self-loop --decoder convtranse --encoder uvrgcn --layer-norm --gpu 0 --ft_lr=0.001 --norm_weight 1 --task-weight 0.7
cd src
python -d WIKI --train-history-len 3 --test-history-len 3 --lr 0.001 --n-layers 2 --evaluate-every 1 --n-hidden 200 --self-loop --decoder convtranse --encoder uvrgcn --layer-norm --gpu 0 --ft_lr=0.001 --norm_weight 1 --task-weight 0.7
cd src
python -d ICEWS14 --train-history-len 9 --test-history-len 9 --lr 0.001 --n-layers 2 --evaluate-every 1 --n-hidden 200 --self-loop --decoder convtranse --encoder uvrgcn --layer-norm --gpu 0 --ft_lr=0.001 --norm_weight 1 --task-weight 0.7 --weight 0.5 --angle 14 --discount 1 --add-static-graph
cd src
python -d ICEWS18 --train-history-len 4 --test-history-len 4 --lr 0.001 --n-layers 2 --evaluate-every 1 --n-hidden 200 --self-loop --decoder convtranse --encoder uvrgcn --layer-norm --gpu 0 --ft_lr=0.001 --norm_weight 1 --task-weight 0.7 --weight 0.5 --angle 10 --discount 1 --add-static-graph
cd src
python -d ICEWS05-15 --train-history-len 9 --test-history-len 9 --lr 0.001 --n-layers 2 --evaluate-every 1 --n-hidden 200 --self-loop --decoder convtranse --encoder uvrgcn --layer-norm --gpu 0 --ft_lr=0.001 --norm_weight 1 --task-weight 0.7 --weight 0.5 --angle 10 --discount 1 --add-static-graph
Directly evaluate the performance of the model obtained by General Training. The testing parameters for different datasets are presented as follows:
python -d YAGO --train-history-len 3 --test-history-len 3 --lr 0.001 --n-layers 2 --evaluate-every 1 --n-hidden 200 --self-loop --decoder convtranse --encoder uvrgcn --layer-norm --gpu 0 --ft_lr=0.001 --norm_weight 1 --task-weight 0.7 --test
python -d WIKI --train-history-len 3 --test-history-len 3 --lr 0.001 --n-layers 2 --evaluate-every 1 --n-hidden 200 --self-loop --decoder convtranse --encoder uvrgcn --layer-norm --gpu 0 --ft_lr=0.001 --norm_weight 1 --task-weight 0.7 --test
python -d ICEWS14 --train-history-len 9 --test-history-len 9 --lr 0.001 --n-layers 2 --evaluate-every 1 --n-hidden 200 --self-loop --decoder convtranse --encoder uvrgcn --layer-norm --gpu 0 --ft_lr=0.001 --norm_weight 1 --task-weight 0.7 --weight 0.5 --angle 14 --discount 1 --add-static-graph --test
python -d ICEWS18 --train-history-len 4 --test-history-len 4 --lr 0.001 --n-layers 2 --evaluate-every 1 --n-hidden 200 --self-loop --decoder convtranse --encoder uvrgcn --layer-norm --gpu 0 --ft_lr=0.001 --norm_weight 1 --task-weight 0.7 --weight 0.5 --angle 10 --discount 1 --add-static-graph --test
python -d ICEWS05-15 --train-history-len 9 --test-history-len 9 --lr 0.001 --n-layers 2 --evaluate-every 1 --n-hidden 200 --self-loop --decoder convtranse --encoder uvrgcn --layer-norm --gpu 0 --ft_lr=0.001 --norm_weight 1 --task-weight 0.7 --weight 0.5 --angle 10 --discount 1 --add-static-graph --test
Then, continuously train the model based on the newly emerging historical information at the validation or test set timestamps. The online continuous training parameters for different datasets are presented as follow:
Continuously train the model based on the newly emerging history in the validation set:
python -d YAGO --train-history-len 3 --test-history-len 3 --lr 0.001 --n-layers 2 --evaluate-every 1 --n-hidden 200 --self-loop --decoder convtranse --encoder uvrgcn --layer-norm --gpu 0 --ft_lr=0.001 --norm_weight 1 --task-weight 0.7 --test-valid
Continuously train and test the model based on the newly emerging history in the test set:
python -d YAGO --train-history-len 3 --test-history-len 3 --lr 0.001 --n-layers 2 --evaluate-every 1 --n-hidden 200 --self-loop --decoder convtranse --encoder uvrgcn --layer-norm --gpu 0 --ft_lr=0.001 --norm_weight 1 --task-weight 0.7 --test-test
Continuously train the model based on the newly emerging history in the validation set:
python -d WIKI --train-history-len 3 --test-history-len 3 --lr 0.001 --n-layers 2 --evaluate-every 1 --n-hidden 200 --self-loop --decoder convtranse --encoder uvrgcn --layer-norm --gpu 0 --ft_lr=0.001 --norm_weight 1 --task-weight 0.7 --test-valid
Continuously train and test the model based on the newly emerging history in the test set:
python -d WIKI --train-history-len 3 --test-history-len 3 --lr 0.001 --n-layers 2 --evaluate-every 1 --n-hidden 200 --self-loop --decoder convtranse --encoder uvrgcn --layer-norm --gpu 0 --ft_lr=0.001 --norm_weight 1 --task-weight 0.7 --test-test
Continuously train the model based on the newly emerging history in the validation set:
python -d ICEWS14 --train-history-len 9 --test-history-len 9 --lr 0.001 --n-layers 2 --evaluate-every 1 --n-hidden 200 --self-loop --decoder convtranse --encoder uvrgcn --layer-norm --gpu 0 --ft_lr=0.001 --norm_weight 1 --task-weight 0.7 --weight 0.5 --angle 14 --discount 1 --add-static-graph --test-valid
Continuously train and test the model based on the newly emerging history in the test set:
python -d ICEWS14 --train-history-len 9 --test-history-len 9 --lr 0.001 --n-layers 2 --evaluate-every 1 --n-hidden 200 --self-loop --decoder convtranse --encoder uvrgcn --layer-norm --gpu 0 --ft_lr=0.001 --norm_weight 1 --task-weight 0.7 --weight 0.5 --angle 14 --discount 1 --add-static-graph --test-test
Continuously train the model based on the newly emerging history in the validation set:
python -d ICEWS18 --train-history-len 4 --test-history-len 4 --lr 0.001 --n-layers 2 --evaluate-every 1 --n-hidden 200 --self-loop --decoder convtranse --encoder uvrgcn --layer-norm --gpu 0 --ft_lr=0.001 --norm_weight 1 --task-weight 0.7 --weight 0.5 --angle 10 --discount 1 --add-static-graph --test-valid
Continuously train and test the model based on the newly emerging history in the test set:
python -d ICEWS18 --train-history-len 4 --test-history-len 4 --lr 0.001 --n-layers 2 --evaluate-every 1 --n-hidden 200 --self-loop --decoder convtranse --encoder uvrgcn --layer-norm --gpu 0 --ft_lr=0.001 --norm_weight 1 --task-weight 0.7 --weight 0.5 --angle 10 --discount 1 --add-static-graph --test-test
Continuously train the model based on the newly emerging history in the validation set:
python -d ICEWS05-15 --train-history-len 9 --test-history-len 9 --lr 0.001 --n-layers 2 --evaluate-every 1 --n-hidden 200 --self-loop --decoder convtranse --encoder uvrgcn --layer-norm --gpu 0 --ft_lr=0.001 --norm_weight 1 --task-weight 0.7 --weight 0.5 --angle 10 --discount 1 --add-static-graph --test-valid
Continuously train and test the model based on the newly emerging history in the test set:
python -d ICEWS05-15 --train-history-len 9 --test-history-len 9 --lr 0.001 --n-layers 2 --evaluate-every 1 --n-hidden 200 --self-loop --decoder convtranse --encoder uvrgcn --layer-norm --gpu 0 --ft_lr=0.001 --norm_weight 1 --task-weight 0.7 --weight 0.5 --angle 10 --discount 1 --add-static-graph --test-test
We provide the general training models for all datasets. The trained models can be downloaded at Then, put the trained models into the corresponding folders in the "./models" folder. Note that Github only allows large files to be downloaded one by one (bigger than 25MB). Therefore, go into the last level of each folder in the web to download, to ensure the integrity of the model files.
Contact us with the following email address:
The source codes take RE-GCN as the backbone to implement our proposed method. Please cite both our work and RE-GCN if you would like to use our source codes.