
Primary LanguagePythonApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


Table of Contents


StreamBox is a novel lightweight GPU sandbox of serverless inference. Existing serverless inference system normally isolate functions in seperate monolithic GPU runtime, which leads to high startup delay, large memory footprint, and expensive data movement. StreamBox serves functions in different streams of the same gpu runtime, avoids rundant memory usage, substantially reduce the start delay. Besides, StreamBox further design fast concurrent I/O, fine-grained memory pool and unified intra-GPU communication framework. In our evaluation, serverless services are invoked by dynamic invocations simulated using the production trace from Azure function, which includes 7-day request statistics with diurnal and weekly patterns. There are three typical types of production traces: sporadic, periodic, and bursty. The workload is shown in the figure below. Compared to prior state-of-the-art, StreamBox reduce GPU memory footprint up to 8X, improve throughput by 2.2X. Workload Visible


It can be simply considered that StreamBox consists of three parts: model compiler, Guest Library, and API Dameon. Given the function code inference models, model compiler transforms the source code of the models to customized kenrels and compile the kernels into Pytorch operators offline. When Requests come, the guest library intercepts all API calss, and forwards them to API Dameon. API Dameon actually uses GPU, it manages and forwards APIs received to different streams following designed policys. The details of the three components are as follows Streambox Architecture

Model Compiler

Given the function code of inference models, model compiler first transforms the models(.py file) into .cu file, then modifies the code, and finally compile the kernels into Pytorch operators.

Model Transformation

TVM is an open source machine learning compiler framework for CPUs, GPUs, and machine learning accelerators. Using TVM, StreamBox transforms the code of the .py file into the code of the .cu file. Take resnet18.py as an example, based on the features(e.g., batchsize) extracted from .py files , StreamBox generates one .cu file(including all kernels), two .json file(records the relationship between variables and kernels) and one .params file(model parameters). The code of .cu file will be modified then and other files will be sent to API Proxy for further use.

from tvm import relay
from tvm.relay import testing
import tvm
from tvm import te
from tvm.contrib import graph_runtime
device_source_file = open("resnet18s16/"+sys.argv[1], "w")  # cu
raw_schedule_file = open("resnet18s16/"+sys.argv[2], "w")  # json
graph_json_file = open("resnet18s16/"+sys.argv[3], "w")  # json
param_file = open("resnet18s16/"+sys.argv[4], "w+b")  # params

batch_size = 16
num_class = 1000
image_shape = (3, 224, 224)
data_shape = (batch_size,) + image_shape
out_shape = (batch_size, num_class)

Code Modification

To enable GPU partition on each kerenl, StreamBox modifies each kernel. As the code example below, StreamBox adds the parameter available_sm to each kernel. Available_sm is an array that records which sms are available, it will be initialized when the requests come. For the sm with id i, if it is available, set available_sm[i] 1 while other elements in the array are set 0. At the start of each kernel, every thread gets the allocated sm and judges whether this sm is availavle, if not, kernel simply returns.

extern "C" __device__ uint get_smid(void) {
uint ret;
asm("mov.u32 %0, %smid;" : "=r"(ret) );
return ret;

extern "C" __global__ void fused_add_nn_relu_2_kernel0(int* __restrict__ available_sm,int* gtask,int* orgridsize,float* __restrict__ T_relu, float* __restrict__ placeholder, float* __restrict__ placeholder1) {
int smid;
int sm_flag;
//block offset, same for all the threads
__shared__ int basicoffset;
int offset=0;

if(threadIdx.x+threadIdx.y+threadIdx.z == 0)
   //get smid
   smid = get_smid();
   //judge whether sm with id smid can be used, if available_sm[smid]==1, yes.
   if (atomicAdd(&sm_flag, 1) == 2) 
   //get virtual block number

offset = basicoffset;
while(offset<orgridsize[0]*orgridsize[1]*orgridsize[2]&&offset>=0) {
   //use vx, vy, vz to replace blockIdx.x, blockIdx.y, blockIdx.y
   int vx = (offset)/(orgridsize[1]*orgridsize[2]);
   int vy = (offset - (vx * orgridsize[1]*orgridsize[2])) / orgridsize[2];
   int vz = offset - (vx * orgridsize[1]*orgridsize[2]) - vy *orgridsize[2];

   //The following is the original code

   //update virtual block number
   if(threadIdx.x+threadIdx.y+threadIdx.z == 0)
   offset = basicoffset;


Compile the modified code into Pytorch

To make use of the modified kernels in Pytorch, the modified code should be compiled into Pytorch. This process follows the tutorial Custom C++ and CUDA Extensions. First, create C Wrapper to provide an interface that PyTorch can call. The example code is as follows.

void torch_fused_add_nn_relu_2_kernel0(torch::Tensor &available_sm, 
torch::Tensor &T_relu, 
torch::Tensor &placeholder,
torch::Tensor &placeholder1) { 
fused_add_nn_relu_2_kernel0((int *)available_sm.data_ptr(), 
(float *)T_relu.data_ptr(), 
(float *)placeholder.data_ptr(); 
(float *)placeholder1.data_ptr()); 


Then, through setup tools, compile the kernels into pytorch. The example code(setup.py) is as follows.

from setuptools import setup 
from torch.utils.cpp_extension import BuildExtension, CUDAExtension 

      ["kernel/fused_add_nn_relu_2_kernel0.cpp", "kernel/fused_add_nn_relu_2_kernel0.cu"], ) 
      "build_ext": BuildExtension 

Run the command below, and then the CUDA extension StreamBox offered can be used in Pytorch.

python3 setup.py install

Guest Library

Guest library is inserted to interpose and intercept every API call which, through IPC, are forwarded to API Proxy.

Hook CUDA Runtime API

Firstly, we write the lib.cpp library to hook CUDA Runtime API, in which we implement the hook process for each process (or container). Example

The compile command will be like this:

g++ -I/usr/local/cuda/include -fPIC -shared -o libmylib.so mylib.cpp -ldl -L/usr/local/cuda/lib64 -lcudart
  • -I/usr/local/cuda/include: The -I option is used to specify the directory where the compiler can find the header files. In this case, it'sthe path of CUDA header files.
  • -fPIC is used to generate position-independent code.
  • -shared is used to generate a shared object.
  • -o libmylib.so is the name of the shared object.
  • mylib.cpp is the source file.
  • -ldl is used to link the dynamic library.
  • -L/usr/local/cuda/lib64: The -L option specifies the directory where the compiler can find the library files. In this case, it's the path of CUDA dynamic library.
  • -lcudart is the name of CUDA dynamic library.

Transfer API to API Proxy

All the hooked api will be transferred to API Proxy through IPC. In our experiment, we use Unix Domain Socket to transfer the API Locally, which provides higher performance than other IPC methods when local communication is needed.

API Proxy

API Proxy manages all the received APS calls and forwards them to GPU at the right time. Depending on the type of APIs responsible, API Proxy consists of Six components: stream manager, evnet manager, io manager, mempool manager, kernel manager and communication manager. For each component, creating a thread to be responsible for calling Related APIs. After the API Proxy process starts running, it receives all the APIs and forwards them to different components based on the type of the API. Each component interacts through global variables. The detailed design of different components is as follows.

stream manager

Streammanager is responsible for creating, destroying and allocating streams. When the stream thread starts, it call cuStreamCreate to precreate many streams(which make up a stream pool) for further use. When requests come and call for new streams, streammanager directly assign streams from the stream pool(instead of creating new one). Also, streammanager marks streams as unused instaed of destroying them. The relationship between each function and its streams are reocrded in a map table.

event manager

Event manager is responsible for inserting events to achieve synchronization between differnet streams. Its work is based on the json file obtained from model transformation and APIs received. For example, before launching kernel, parameters should be copied to gpu first. To achieve this, eventmanager inserts event to io stream after each cuMemcpyAsync call and call cuEventRecord, cuStreamWaitEvent to make the kernel stream wait until the io task fininshes.

IO manager

IO manager is responsible for calling cuMemcpyAsync to copy the input, model and output between cpu to gpu. IO manager creates a function queue for each function and stores the metadata (i.e., source address and destination address) in their function queue.Next, the data are divided into fixed size blocks and the metadata of these blocks are stored in a global device queue (default is round-robin). Newly arrived requests join the device queue through Preemption Module. Then IOmanager fetches data blocks according to the device queue and triggers the transfer of data blocks in turn.

mempool manager

Mempool manager is responsible for adjusting the size of the mem pool, memory allocation and deallocation. When the mempool thread starts, it precrate a CUmemoryPool for further use. Mempool manager call cuMemPoolSetAttribute and set CU_MEMPOOL_ATTR_RELEASE_THRESHOLD to adjust the size of mem pool. Based on Fine-grained Management, Mempool manager lazily extend the mempool and eagerly reduce mempool's size. All memory allocation APIs and memory free APIS are replaced by cuMemAllocAsync and cuMemFreeAsync to make use of mempool.

kernel manager

Kernel manager is responsible for launching kernels. When requests come, kernel manager first confirms the sms available and records the information in arrays. Kernel manager call cuModuleLoad to load modules, cuModuleGetFunction to get kernel handle and cuLaunchKernel to launch kernels.

communication manager

Comunication manager is responsible for transfering intermediate data between different functions. When the communication thread starts, it creates a Global key-data table, which is used to record the location of each intermidiate data. The intermediate data is transferred using PUT and GET APIs. Communication manager first allocates a globally unique index for each intermediate data, and then pass the index to subsequent function. The PUT API records the index and the physical address of the data in global table in CPU memory. When another function use GET API to access a data with specific index, the corresponding communication mechanism is chosen based on the locations of function and intermediate data.

There are three communication mechanisms according to the distribution of functions in GPU cluster: 1) Functions (i.e., streams) running in the same GPU can share addresses directly, enabling the fastest intermediate data transfer. 2) Functions on different GPUs can utilize the point-to-point (P2P) mechanism through high-speed NVLink to transfer data. 3) For functions on different nodes, Remote Procedure Call (RPC) is used.


Hardware Requirement

In our experiment setup, we use a GPU server that consists of two Intel Xeon(R) Gold 5117 CPU (total 28 cores), 128GB of DRAM, and four NVIDIA V100 GPU (80 CUs and 16GB of memory).

Software Requirement

Run experiment

Our experiment details are in experiment/README.md.