
Pose Network initialisation using ArUco tags.

Primary LanguagePython


Pose Network initialisation using ArUco tags.


Given a set of images, which contain observations of ArUCo tags, how can we determine the relative position of both the cameras and the tags?

Essentially we have two phases.

  1. Collecting a set of observations.
  2. Combining these observations into a coherent, global view.

Algorithm Overview

  • Detect tags ✅
  • Find orientation of tags w.r.t camera ✅
  • Set one tag as a global origin
  • Add an image which shares one or more tags
  • Position/Orientate the new camera to w.r.t origin
  • Position/Orientate new, previously unseen tags w.r.t origin
  • Perform bundle adjustment
  • Re-orient origin tag back to origin
  • Repeat

Scene management

A captured scene can be described using a hierarchy of objects.


A collection of photos and tags.


A tag, with a position, orientation, and ID.

  • Pose


An observation/image taken by a camera, which observed (0) or more tags.


A camera, with associated intrinsic and extrinsic parameters.

Camera Intrinsics

Parameters internal to the camera.

Camera Extrinsics

The position and orientation of the camera.

  • Pose
Tag Observation

The position, orientation, and ID of a tag, as observed by the camera.

  • Pose

Global Orientation

  • Set one tag as a global origin ✅
  • Find cameras which can observe this tag ✅
  • Update camera locations ✅
  • Update associated tags ✅

Bundle Adjustment

Fundamentally, the bundle adjustment is performed by scipy.optimize.least_squares.

scipy.optimize.least_squares(fun = bundle_adjustment_function, x0 = x0, jac_sparsity = jac_sparsity_matrix, args = bundle_adjustment_function_args)

Fundamentally, we need to provide it with 4 things.

  1. A function which computes the vector of residuals (bundle_adjustment_function).
  2. An initial estimate of the independent variables (x0).
  3. An array defining the sparsity structure of the jacobian matrix (jac_sparsity_matrix).
  4. Arguments passed to our function bundle_adjustment_function (bundle_adjustment_function_args).

Notes: Need to use pip list --format=freeze > requirements.txt for requirements.