A relatively simple exporter to take selected objects, collections, or nodes and export them to their own private .blend file... with a couple neat little bonus features
- 0BoUBoU0
- 3dcoat
- aditiapratama@Warnakala Studios
- Alex-Xie
- aurodevDihydrogen Monoxide Awareness in CA, LLC
- BegalovCurveHand Ltd.
- biteworksUlm, Germany
- Butters3388214
- carlosedubarreto
- carter2422CG Cookie, Inc
- coreprocess@10x-ai
- eobet
- gdurbinFontana, CA
- graphis
- Guerolf
- HamousOnWheels
- hltdev8642
- jimmacLiberec
- lonnonMurphy & Associates
- lupin4The Fantatstic Planet
- MadPonyInteractiveMad Pony Interactive
- malsiv
- Nicknroll
- OlafHaagBerlin, Germany
- OliverMilasHamburg
- prods
- SaiZyca
- sampotter123
- shankarsivarajan
- simonjames247
- STeinWi
- TilapiatsuAnnecy
- toyxyz
- wilsimar
- WRWolfe66
- yodancristino@wethemasterkii