
Enables multi-lingual sites

Primary LanguagePHP

Translation plugin

Enables multi-lingual sites.

Selecting a language

Different languages can be set up in the back-end area, with a single default language selected. This activates the use of the language on the front-end and in the back-end UI.

A visitor can select a language by prefixing the language code to the URL, this is then stored in the user's session as their chosen language. For example:

  • http://website/ru/ will display the site in Russian
  • http://website/fr/ will display the site in French
  • http://website/ will display the site in the default language or the user's chosen language.

Language Picker Component

A visitor can select their chosen language using the LocalePicker component. This component will display a simple dropdown that changes the page language depending on the selection.

title = "Home"
url = "/"


<h3>{{ 'Please select your language:'|_ }}</h3>
{% component 'localePicker' %}

If translated, the text above will appear as whatever language is selected by the user. The dropdown is very basic and is intended to be restyled. A simpler example might be:


    Switch language to:
    <a href="#" data-request="onSwitchLocale" data-request-data="locale: 'en'">English</a>,
    <a href="#" data-request="onSwitchLocale" data-request-data="locale: 'ru'">Russian</a>

Message translation

Message or string translation is the conversion of adhoc strings used throughout the site. A message can be translated with parameters.

{{ 'Welcome to our website!'|_ }}

{{ 'Hello :name!'|_({ name: 'Friend' }) }}

A message can also be translated for a choice usage.

{{ 'There are no apples|There are :number applies!'|__(2, { number: 'two' }) }}

Content translation

This plugin activates a feature in the CMS that allows content files to use language suffixes, for example:

  • welcome.htm will contain the content in the default language.
  • welcome.ru.htm will contain the content in Russian.
  • welcome.fr.htm will contain the content in French.

Model translation

Models can have their attributes translated by using the RainLab.Translate.Behaviors.TranslatableModel behavior and specifying which attributes to translate in the class.

class User
    public $implement = ['RainLab.Translate.Behaviors.TranslatableModel'];

    public $translatable = ['name'];

The attribute will then contain the default language value and other language code values can be created by using the translateContext() method.

$user = User::first();

// Outputs the name in the default language
echo $user->name;


// Sets the name in French
$user->name = 'Giselle';

// Outputs the name in French
echo $user->name;

The lang() method is a shorthand version of translateContext() and is also chainable.

// Outputs the name in French
echo $user->lang('fr')->name;

This can be useful inside a Twig template.

{{ user.lang('fr').name }}

There are ways to get and set attributes without changing the context.

// Gets a single translated attribute for a language
$user->getTranslateAttribute('name', 'fr');

// Sets a single translated attribute for a language
$user->setTranslateAttribute('name', 'Jean-Claude', 'fr');

Conditionally extending plugins


It is possible to conditionally extend a plugin's models to support translation. First by checking for the presence of the translate plugin, then dynamically extending the model with the TranslatableModel behavior. For example, inside a Model class the check can be performed inside the boot() method:

 * Blog Post Model
class Post extends Model


     * @var array Attributes that support translation, if available.
    public $translatable = ['title'];


     * Add translation support to this model, if available.
     * @return void
    public static function boot()
        // Call default functionality (required)

        // Check the translate plugin is installed
        if (!class_exists('RainLab\Translate\Behaviors\TranslatableModel'))

        // Extend the constructor of the model

            // Implement the translatable behavior
            $model->implement[] = 'RainLab.Translate.Behaviors.TranslatableModel';




The back-end forms will automatically detect the presence of translatable fields and replace their controls for multilingual equivalents.


Since the Twig filter will not be available all the time, we can pipe them to the native Laravel translation methods instead. This ensures translated messages will always work on the front end.

 * Register new Twig variables
 * @return array
public function registerMarkupTags()
    // Check the translate plugin is installed
    if (!class_exists('RainLab\Translate\Behaviors\TranslatableModel'))

    return [
        'filters' => [
            '_' => ['Lang', 'get'],
            '__' => ['Lang', 'choice'],