
Implementing the missing features in customer.io's API

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Customer.io Administrative API

Dear customer.io,

Please build an API to allow me to clone campaigns and other administrative actions. Or at least build a UI to do it.


Edit credentials.js to look like this:

// Get this by logging into customer.io, inspecting one of the XHRs, and copying
// the token from the "Authorization" header.
export const bearerToken = "...";
// Get this by looking at the URL: https://fly.customer.io/env/XXXXX/campaigns
export const environmentId = "XXXXX";

This isn't actually an API, just a one-off script. So it's pretty hard-coded at the moment, but look at the exports of api.js to see what's available and modify index.js to do what you want. Then run it:

babel-node index.js