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termios bindings for node.js

node-termios is a module for getting and setting terminal attributes.


  • an attr object may contain on or more of the following boolean fields:

    • attr.iflag:
      • IGNBRK: ignore BREAK condition
      • BRKINT: map BREAK to SIGINT
      • IGNPAR: ignore (discard) parity errors
      • PARMRK: mark parity and framing errors
      • INPCK: enable checking of parity errors
      • ISTRIP: strip 8th bit off chars
      • INLCR: map NL into CR
      • IGNCR: ignore CR
      • ICRNL: map CR to NL (ala CRMOD)
      • IXON: enable output flow control
      • IXOFF: enable input flow control
      • IXANY: any char will restart after stop
      • IMAXBEL: ring bell on input queue full
    • attr.oflag:
      • OPOST: enable following output processing
      • ONLCR: map NL to CR-NL (ala CRMOD)
      • OCRNL: map CR to NL
      • ONOCR: No CR output at column 0
      • ONLRET: NL performs the CR function
    • attr.cflag:
      • CSIZE: character size mask
      • CS5: 5 bits (pseudo)
      • CS6: 6 bits
      • CS7: 7 bits
      • CS8: 8 bits
      • CSTOPB: send 2 stop bits
      • CREAD: enable receiver
      • PARENB: parity enable
      • PARODD: odd parity, else even
      • HUPCL: hang up on last close
      • CLOCAL: ignore modem status lines
    • attr.lflag:
      • ECHOKE: visual erase for line kill
      • ECHOE: visually erase chars
      • ECHOK: echo NL after line kill
      • ECHO: enable echoing
      • ECHONL: echo NL even if ECHO is off
      • ECHOPRT: visual erase mode for hardcopy
      • ECHOCTL: echo control chars as ^(Char)
      • ISIG: enable signals INTR, QUIT, [D]SUSP
      • ICANON: canonicalize input lines
      • IEXTEN: enable DISCARD and LNEXT
      • EXTPROC: external processing
      • TOSTOP: stop background jobs from output
      • FLUSHO: output being flushed (state)
      • PENDIN: XXX retype pending input (state)
      • NOFLSH: don't flush after interrupt
      • XCASE: canonical upper/lower case
      • VDISCARD: start/stop discarding pending output
      • VDSUSP: delayed suspend
      • VEOF: end of file
      • VEOL: additional end-of-line
      • VEOL2: another additional end-of-line
      • VERASE: erase character
      • VINTR: send a SIGINT signal
      • VKILL: erase input
      • VLNEXT: literal next
      • VMIN: min characters for noncanonical read
      • VQUIT: send SIGQUIT signal
      • VREPRINT: reprint unread characters
      • VSTART: resume output
      • VSTATUS: foreground process character
      • VSTOP: pause output
      • VSUSP: send SIGTSTP signal
      • VTIME: timeout in 0.1s for noncanonical read
      • VWERASE: word erase
  • .setattr(fd, attr): Sets attributes of the terminal bound to the file descriptor:

    • fd: file descriptor
    • attr: object as described above
    • returns: undefined
  • .getattr(fd): Returns an object describing the current settings of the terminal bound to the file descriptor:

    • fd: file descriptor


var termios = require('termios'), data = '';
console.log("Please type something:");
process.stdin.on("data", function(d) {data += d.toString()});
setTimeout(function() {
	console.log("Disabling ECHO. You won't see what you type now");
	termios.setattr(process.stdin.fd, {lflag: { ECHO: false }})
	console.log("\nYou typed '"+data+"'");
	data = "";
}, 3000);
setTimeout(function() {
	console.log("Enabling ECHO.");
	termios.setattr(process.stdin.fd, {lflag: { ECHO: false }})
	console.log("\nYou typed '"+data+"'");
}, 6000);
var termios = require('termios'), data = '';
var old_config = termios.getattr(process.stdin.fd);
console.log("Disabling VINTR. Ctrl-C won't quit now");
termios.setattr(process.stdin.fd, { cc: { VINTR: void 0 } })
setTimeout(function() {
	console.log("\nEnabling VINTR. Press Ctrl-C to quit.");
	termios.setattr(process.stdin.fd, old_config)
}, 5000);
setTimeout(function() {
  /* Make node wait to quit */
}, 60000);


  • v0.2 - added support for control characters
  • v0.1 - initial release