
Operating system for Screeps based on screeps-regenerator

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Second major iteration of my Screeps OS, this one built on screeps-regenerator.

This code currently sends a harvester to every source in claimed rooms and harvests with prespawning. It does not send any haulers or do anything with the harvested energy.

OS features:

  • Multithreading via generator functions.
  • CPU throttling to prevent script timeouts.
  • Process model with error isolation.
  • 90%+ test coverage of the OS code.

How does multithreading work?

A "task" in epoch2 is a generator function:

function* main() {
  console.log(`Hello, it's ${Game.time}!`);
  for (let i = 99; i >= 0; i-- {
    console.log(`${i} bottles of beer on the wall...`);
    yield defer();
  console.log(`Wow, that was a long song. Now it's ${Game.time}!`);

This generator function runs each tick, and after each run its local variables are saved into Memory and restored on the next tick. Underneath the hood, the JavaScript source code is actually being re-written into a function which only runs the part of the code since the last call to yield. This gives the appearance that the function is running over multiple ticks. Yielding from a task produces an effect, and there are a few different types:

  • defer() - causes the task to be suspended until the next tick.
  • spawn(func, ...args) | spawn([context, func], ...args) - starts a new task in the background and calls func(...args) or context[func](...args) in it.
  • join(task) - wait for a previously spawned task to finish, then return the result or throw the error.
  • call(func, ...args) | call([context, func], ..args) - this is similar to join(yield spawn(...)) except that if the calling task is canceled, the called task will also be canceled (normally it will continue in the background).
  • all(...effects) - wait until all of the effects passed in have finished, then return an array of the results in the same order. If any effect produces an error, immediately abort and throw the error. Instead of an array, you can also pass an object which will cause all to return an object with matching keys. This method is similar to Promise.all.
  • race(...effects) - wait until any one of the effects passed in have finished, then return an array of the results in the same order. If any effect produces an error, immediately abort and throw the error. Instead of an array, you can also pass an object which will cause race to return an object with one key, which is the effect that finished. This method is similar to Promise.race.

Useful commands


yarn run deploy

This will deploy to the same server that your screeps-multimeter is currently pointing at.

Run the local automated tests:

yarn run test