
A lightweight Android contacts manager app using Room DB and MVVM architecture. Stores names, phone numbers, and email addresses locally.

Primary LanguageJava


A lightweight Android contacts manager app using Room DB and MVVM architecture. Stores names, phone numbers, and email addresses locally.

Inspired by the Udemy course on The Complete Android 15 Course -Build 82 Apps [Java& Kotlin] Created by Abbass Masri.

Understood and Implemented concepts-

  • Android Components
    • Activity
      • startActivity()
    • Tasks & Back Stack
  • Use of Intent
    • Explicit Intents
  • Static User Interface
    • Views & Widgets
      • TextView
      • EditText
      • Button
        • setOnClickListener()
      • FloatingActionButton
    • ViewGroup
      • ConstraintLayout
      • LinearLayout
      • CardView
  • Dynamic User Interface
    • RecyclerView
      • ItemTouchHelper
        • onSwiped left to delete data
        • onChildDraw to create fade-out animation
        • clearView
  • UI Resources
    • Drawables
      • Set particular shape gradient as background
      • Insert shape as background in a LinearLayout
    • mipmap
      • Add custom App Icon
  • Support User Interface
    • Toast
  • Storage
    • Database
      • RoomDB
        • Entity Class
        • Data Access Object - DAO
        • ROOM Database Instance
        • Applying Singleton Design Pattern to ROOM Database
  • Threading
    • Threads
    • Handler
    • ExecutorService
  • Memory Leaks
    • Context
  • Android Jetpack
    • Architecture Component
      • LiveData
      • ViewModel
      • DataBinding
  • Architecture
    • MVVM

Output Screenshot-

Output Video-
