- 0
- 1
- 5
`SUMMA` crashes when paths in `fileManager` text file miss `/` at the end
#561 opened by kasra-keshavarz - 0
`datetime` library for SUMMA
#562 opened by kasra-keshavarz - 3
Separation of order and domain of HRU/GRU in attribute file from forcing file(s)
#558 opened by ShervanGharari - 3
Flexible naming for forcing variables
#557 opened by ShervanGharari - 1
Removal of `ds` from the forcing file(s)
#556 opened by ShervanGharari - 2
Trouble compiling `summa`
#555 opened by kasra-keshavarz - 1
- 0
- 5
Restart error in satHydCond()
#550 opened by NicWayand - 2
- 0
Clarify comments on atmospheric Stability formula
#522 opened by wknoben - 0
Update `-r e` logic to always create a restart file on the last timestep, independent of simEndTime in the filemanager
#517 opened by wknoben - 10
SUMMA interacts with more forcing files than needed for specified simulation length
#501 opened by wknoben - 1
initial issues running test cases
#514 opened by barlometer - 1
Model decision `compaction` has two available options (`consettl`, `anderson`) but only one (`anderson`) is implemented in `snwCompact.f90`
#417 opened by wknoben - 0
- 1
- 0
- 1
Aquifer option `bigBucket` is not yet implemented for groundwater decision `singleBasin`
#500 opened by wknoben - 2
Canopy ice content check during initial conditions interferes with restart files under certain conditions
#474 opened by wknoben - 3
- 1
"stateTypeSplit" is used both as a variable and as a construct name in opSplittin.f90
#441 opened by wknoben - 6
Add option to internally remap gridded forcing data to HRUs, given a set of weights
#496 opened by wknoben - 1
- 1
- 0
is there a way to specify the output file time scale
#490 opened by solosue - 0
- 2
- 0
- 1
Make hruId a required variable for `` and `` checks
#401 opened by wknoben - 0
- 0
Remove `slopeTypeIndex` attribute and associated code
#471 opened by wknoben - 3
- 1
- 0
- 1
- 0
Fatal error with updateVars residual
#440 opened by lou-a - 0
24H end hour is possible in fileManager, but not handled by summa_alarms for state file generation
#431 opened by andywood - 0
Update docs for >v3.0.0
#429 opened by arbennett - 0
Allocatable variables can lead to segmentation faults with older Intel compilers
#414 opened by wknoben - 0
add statePrecision as an option in output control, to write float state files.
#413 opened by andywood - 1
add gruId to output files that contain basin(gru) variables and possibly split basin variables into their own output file with just gru & time dimension..
#384 opened by andywood - 0
Make hruId and gruId coordinates for hru and gru
#393 opened by arbennett - 0
add run mask/subset functionality
#387 opened by andywood - 3
rootingDepth check
#383 opened by andywood - 0
- 0
- 1
Warn users if snow goes above canopy height
#366 opened by arbennett