Bipedal Robot Challenge powered by TongVerse-Lite.
- Docker
- Nvidia Container Toolkit
Download Docker Image URL:
Use your webbrowser or wget command to download this docker image to your computer. wget command:wget -O tongverselite-release-docker.tar.gz
Load the Docker Image Run the following command:
docker load -i tongverselite-release-docker.tar.gz
Launch the Docker Image To set up the TongVerse-Lite environment, execute:
bash bash
This script binds your local repository directory to
inside Docker and initiates a new bash shell.
Once you are in the Docker environment, you can start a demo with:
bash examples/ <task-id>
Replace <task-id>
with an integer between 1 and 6 to select the specific demo task you want to present.
- Familiarize with Examples Explore the examples directory to understand how the environment works.
- Implement Your TaskSolver
Create your custom
for each task insubmission/task_<id>_solver
. Please note:- Do not modify any code outside the
directories. - Modifications to
or other core files are strictly prohibited.
- Do not modify any code outside the
You could append other python packages you need at the end of file, and run bash
every time after launching the docker image.
In the submission folder, we provide a solver template for each task. Implement your solver within the respective task_<id>_solver/
folder. Below is the template provided:
class TaskSolver(TaskSolverBase):
def __init__(self) -> None:
# Your TaskSolver implementation goes here
raise NotImplementedError("Implement your own TaskSolver here")
def next_action(self, obs: dict) -> dict:
# Determine the next action based on the current observation (`obs`)
# action = plan(obs)
# return action
raise NotImplementedError("Implement your own TaskSolver here")
- Use the
function to initialize your solver with any necessary modules. - Implement the
function to determine and return the robot's next action based on the current observationobs
. The specific formats for observations and actions are detailed in the sections that follow.
The observation obs
provided in the next_action()
function is a dictionary detailing the current state:
obs = {
"arms_positions": np.ndarray (n_arm_joints,),
"arms_velocities": np.ndarray (n_arm_joints,),
"arms_applied_effort" : np.ndarray (n_arm_joints,),
"legs_positions": np.ndarray (n_arm_joints,),
"legs_velocities": np.ndarray (n_arm_joints,),
"legs_applied_effort": np.ndarray (n_arm_joints,)
"body_state": {
"world_pos": np.ndarray (3,) <x, y, z>,
"world_orient": np.ndarray (4,) <w, x, y, z>,
"linear_velocities": np.ndarray (3,) <x, y, z>,
"angular_velocities": np.ndarray (3,) <wx, wy, wz>
"stiffness": np.ndarray (n_links, ),
"dampings": np.ndarray (n_links, ),
"start_pos":np.ndarray (3,) <x, y, z>,
"start_orient": np.ndarray (4,) <w, x, y, z>
'cam1': {
'rgb': np.ndarray,
"distance_to_image_plane": np.ndarray,
"goal": str,
"pick": bool,
'orientation': np.ndarray
Of note,
- In Task6, the observation(
) will include RGBD information from the camera, stored in the keycam1
and the task goal is store in the keygoal
. - In both Task2 and Task6, the observation(
) will indicate whether the object or valve is attached to the hand, with the status stored in the keypick
. If the attachment is successful, the value will be True, otherwise, it will be False. - In Task3, the observation(
) will includes obstacle pose information
The action indicate how you want to control the robot, the action format is given as follows:
action = {
"joint_values": np.ndarray (8,),
"legs": {
"joint_values": np.ndarray (10, ),
"pick": <None/left_hand/right_hand>,
"release": False/True
Of note:
- Control mode can only be position or effort.
- The order of values in the
should correspond to the order of elements in thearm_idx
. - Ensure the key in action remains unchanged.
- For Task2 and Task6, set the value in the "pick" key to either "left_hand" or "right_hand" to specify the hand you are using if you are ready to attach the valve or object. To release, set the "release" key to True if you are ready to release the valve or object.
Arm and Leg Index
The arm_idx
and leg_idx
is given as follows:
# NOTE: DO NOT modify the order of elements in the list
# ('l_shoulder_y', 'l_shoulder_z', 'l_shoulder_x', 'l_elbow',
# 'r_shoulder_y', 'r_shoulder_z', 'r_shoulder_x', 'r_elbow')
arm_idx: List = [1, 5, 9, 13, 3, 7, 11, 15]
# ('l_hip_z', 'l_hip_x', 'l_hip_y', 'l_knee', 'l_ankle',
# 'r_hip_z', 'r_hip_x', 'r_hip_y', 'r_knee', 'r_ankle')
leg_idx: List = [0, 4, 8, 12, 16, 2, 6, 10, 14, 17]
dof_names: List = [
For example, The 0th element in arm_idx
is dof_names[arm_idx[0]]: "l_shoulder_y"
Therefore, when set the joint_values for arms
: the joint order is given by:
['l_shoulder_y', 'l_shoulder_z', 'l_shoulder_x', 'l_elbow', 'r_shoulder_y', 'r_shoulder_z', 'r_shoulder_x', 'r_elbow']
The joint order for leg is given by
['l_hip_z', 'l_hip_x', 'l_hip_y', 'l_knee', 'l_ankle', 'r_hip_z', 'r_hip_x', 'r_hip_y', 'r_knee', 'r_ankle']
We integrate a bipedal locomotion controller in our platform. Below is an example to use the provided controller to get the joint effort given a desire velocity command.
from tongverselite.tcp import PersistentTcpClient, json2bin
from tongverselite.solver import TaskSolverBase
class BipedWalkingCtrlClient(PersistentTcpClient):
def send_request(self, msg):
data_bin = json2bin(msg)
return json.loads(self.send(data_bin).decode("ascii"))
def get_cmd(self, obs, vx, vy, theta, state):
obs_agent = obs["agent"]
q_leg = obs_agent["joint_state"]["legs_positions"]
dq_leg = obs_agent["joint_state"]["legs_velocities"]
q_arm = obs_agent["joint_state"]["arms_positions"]
dq_arm = obs_agent["joint_state"]["arms_velocities"]
p_wb = obs_agent["body_state"]["world_pos"]
quat_wb = obs_agent["body_state"]["world_orient"]
v_wb = obs_agent["body_state"]["linear_velocities"]
w_wb = obs_agent["body_state"]["angular_velocities"]
msg = {
"q_leg": q_leg.tolist(),
"dq_leg": dq_leg.tolist(),
"q_arm": q_arm.tolist(),
"dq_arm": dq_arm.tolist(),
"p_wb": p_wb.tolist(),
"quat_wb": quat_wb.tolist(),
"v_wb": v_wb.tolist(),
"w_wb": w_wb.tolist(),
"command": [vx, vy, theta],
"change_state": state,
joint_efforts = self.send_request(msg)
return joint_efforts
class TaskSolver(TaskSolverBase):
def __init__(self) -> None:
self.ctrl_client_ = BipedWalkingCtrlClient(ip="", port=8800)
def next_action(self, obs: dict) -> dict:
# v_x: 0.2 m/s, v_y: 0.3 m/s, v_theta: 0.561 rad/s
velocity_cmd = [0.2, 0.3, 0.561]
# call bipedal controller to get joint effort given a target velocity
joint_efforts = self.ctrl_client_.get_cmd(
obs, velocity_cmd[0], velocity_cmd[1], velocity_cmd[2], velocity_cmd[3]
# wrap joint effort into tongverse-lite action format
action = {
"legs": {
"ctrl_mode": joint_efforts["mode"],
"joint_values": joint_efforts["effort"],
"stiffness": [],
"dampings": [],
return action
Task 1
Goal center position <x, y, z>: [1.94795, -9.1162, 0.1]
Task 4
Goal center position <x, y, z>: [0.23457, -3.53851, 0.296]
Task 5
Goal center position <x, y, z>: [0.23457, -1.44135, 0.593]
Tasks 2, 3, and 6
No further information provided.
As the scene is static, you can hard-code any necessary information to ensure the robot can accomplish the task from a random initial state.
Camera Configuration
The camera intrinsic matrix is given as follows:
K = [
[1154.47387, 0, 540],
[0, 1154.47387, 360],
[0, 0, 1]
In Task 6, the camera is mounted on the torso of the robot, meaning the camera moves along with the robot. The transformation from the torso link to the camera link is given as follows:
tf_torso_camera = [
[-0.7071068, 0.7071068, 0.0, -0.41],
[0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0],
[0.7071068, 0.7071068, 0.0, 1.2],
[0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0]
Example solutions for the designated tasks can be found in the example_solutions directory. These solutions provide potential approaches, but optimality is not guaranteed.
To run an example solution, use the following command:
bash example_solutions/ <task-id>
Replace <task-id>
with an integer from 1 to 6 corresponding to the task you are testing. Currently, an example solution is only provided for task 1.
To test your TaskSolver
, execute:
bash submission/ <task-id>
Replace <task-id>
with an integer from 1 to 6 corresponding to the task you are testing.
Compress Your Work Compress the entire submission folder.
Rename the File Name the compressed file as
. -
Submit to the Committee Send your renamed submission file to our committee group for evaluation.