
A Swiss style pairing tournament database with python, psql

Primary LanguagePython

Tournament Database psql

A Swiss style pairing tournament database with python, psql Test suite and comments provided by Udacity


  1. Download Vagrant and Virtual Box
  2. Download or clone Github Repo
  3. Make sure your command line has python, if not download python to your terminal


  1. All files in repo must be nested within a file conaining a Vagrant file like so: /vagrant_folder/tournament_folder/tournament.py /tournament_test.py /etc. /vagrant.file

  2. CD into root directory of vagrant file

  3. run vagrant up followed by vagrant ssh

  4. CD to /vagrant/tournament_folder


  1. First creat the database and tables by running psql then in psql run \i tournament.sql

    1b. When running the tournament multiple times under different circumstances you may run into errors regaurding the deletion of data in tables. To overcome this, manually remove data by navigating to psql and running DROP (tablename) CASCADE for all tables

  2. To run the test suite run python tournament_test.py

  3. To edit database and table, edit the file tournament.sql


tournament.py , tournament_test.py , tournament.sql , tournament.pyc , README.md