
The code was developed for training diverse ML and DL models to predict PROTACs degradation. Data cleaning for two public datasets, PROTAC-DB and PROTACpedia, are also included. PROTACs are of high interest for all disease areas of AZ and thus predicting their degradation is of general interest.

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

Maturity level-0

ML for Predicting Targeted Protein Degradation

This repository contains the code developed within the master thesis project: "Machine Learning for Predicting Targetd Protain Degradation". A brief overview of the project and the thesis report can be read at this repository.

Code Overview

The ProtacModel class, defined in the src/models/wrapper_model.py file, is a subclass of the PyTorch Lightning LightningModule class. It is a wrapper class that makes predictions on PROTAC data. The ProtacModel class takes in several encoders and a head module, which are used to encode the input data and make predictions. The forward method defines the forward pass of the model, which takes in the input data and passes it through the encoders and head module to produce the output.

The model roughly follows the following architecture:


The ProtacModel class is used in the src/main.py for training and testing the model through a LightningCLI module. The LightningCLI module is a command-line interface that allows to train and test the model using a YAML configuration file. The configuration file contains the hyperparameters and dataset arguments that are used to define and automatically instantiate the model and the dataset before performing training and testing.

The src/models/wrapper_model.py file contains instead the WrapperModel class, which is a wrapper around the PyTorch Lightning ProtacModel class. The purpose of this class is to provide a simple and flexible way to train and test various models using the same interface. The WrapperModel class can be used as a stand-alone class to train and test the model without the LightningCLI module. This is useful when one wants to train and test the model using a Jupyter Notebook or a Python script.


In the src/models folder different encoders are defined. The encoders are used to encode the diverse input data about PROTACs before passing it to the head module. The encoders are all defined as subclasses of the nn.Module class and are used in the ProtacModel class to encode the input data.

PROTACDataset and PROTACDataLoader

The PROTACDataset class represents a dataset used for training and testing the PROTAC models. It takes in a Pandas DataFrame containing the PROTAC data and various arguments to preprocess the data.

The PROTACDataModule class is defined in the src/data/protac_dataloader.py file and is a subclass of the PyTorch Lightning LightningDataModule class. It provides a convenient and customizable way to load and preprocess the PROTAC data and create PyTorch dataloaders for training, validation, and testing.

Data Curation

The data curation process is detailed and carried on in the notebooks notebooks/protac_db_data_curation.ipynb and notebooks/protac_pedia_data_curation.ipynb. They are based on the PROTAC-DB and PROTAC-Pedia datasets. The directory data already contains curated versions of the aforementioned datasets. In order to perform data curation, one shall download the raw datasets from the respective sources and run the respective notebooks.

Quick Start

  1. Install the required dependencies by running conda env create -f environment.yml in your terminal.

  2. To train an MLP model, run the following command:

python main.py fit \
    --trainer="{'max_epochs': 10, 'accelerator': 'gpu', 'precision': 16}" \
    --model.smiles_encoder=src.models.smiles_encoder.mlp.rdkit_fp_model.RDKitFingerprintEncoder \
    --data.protac_dataset_args="{'use_morgan_fp': True, 'morgan_bits': 1024, 'precompute_fingerprints': True, 'poi_vectorizer': 'models/poi_encoder.joblib', 'e3_ligase_enc': 'models/e3_ligase_encoder.joblib', 'cell_type_enc': 'models/cell_type_encoder.joblib'}"

This will train an MLP model with the specified hyperparameters and dataset arguments.

  1. To test the MLP model, run the following command:
python main.py test --ckpt_path=.\lightning_logs\version_7\checkpoints\epoch=9-step=930.ckpt -c .\lightning_logs\version_7\config.yaml

This will test the MLP model using the specified checkpoint path and configuration file.

  1. To train a GNN model, for instance, run the following command instead:
python main.py fit --trainer="{'max_epochs': 10, 'accelerator': 'gpu', 'precision': 16}" \
    --model.smiles_encoder=src.models.smiles_encoder.gnn.torch_geom_architectures.GnnSubModel \
    --model.use_smiles_only=False \
    --data.protac_dataset_args="{'include_smiles_as_graphs': True, 'precompute_smiles_as_graphs': True, 'poi_vectorizer': 'models/poi_encoder.joblib', 'e3_ligase_enc': 'models/e3_ligase_encoder.joblib', 'cell_type_enc': 'models/cell_type_encoder.joblib'}" \
    --model.cell_type_encoder=src.models.cell_type_encoder.cell_type_ordinal_encoder.CellTypeEncoder \
    --model.e3_ligase_encoder=src.models.e3_encoder.e3_ordinal_encoder.E3LigaseEncoder \
    --model.poi_seq_encoder=src.models.poi_encoder.poi_count_vectorizer.POISequenceEncoder \
    --model.poi_seq_encoder_args=" {'poi_seq_encoder_filepath': 'models/poi_encoder.joblib'}"

This will train a GNN model with the specified hyperparameters and dataset arguments.

That's it! You can modify the hyperparameters and dataset arguments as needed to train and test different models. Additionally, there are some TODOs in the code that you can work on to improve the functionality of the code.

Hyperparameters Search with Optuna

The src/tune.py file provides a convenient way to perform hyperparameter tuning using the Optuna library. It defines several functions that create PyTorch Lightning objects with the specified hyperparameters, and an objective function that is optimized by Optuna. By running it with the appropriate configuration files, one can perform hyperparameter tuning on the ProtacModel and obtain the best configuration as a YAML file.

The src/config_optuna.yml file contains an example configuration for the Optuna hyperparameter tuning. It defines the search space for the hyperparameters and the number of trials to run. The src/config_default.yml file contains the default configuration for the model and dataset arguments for the ProtacModel and ProtacDataset. You can modify the configuration files as needed to perform hyperparameter tuning on your models.

The objective function in src/hyperparameter_tuning/optuna_utils.py is the objective function that is optimized by Optuna during hyperparameter tuning. It returns the validation loss of the model trained with the suggested hyperparameters. Note that the CLI script will only change the arguments to be passed to nn.Module classes in the model before instantiating them. For more advanced hyperparameters configurations, one shall write a custom objective function. Please refer to the file notebooks/machine_learning.ipynb for some tailored examples.

Here's a brief overview of what the objective function does:

  • Ovefits a trial model with the suggested hyperparameters on a minibatch.
  • If the training accuracy on the minibatch is less than 0.95, returns a score of 0.0.
  • Otherwise, it fits a trial model with the suggested hyperparameters.
  • Finally, returns the validation loss of the model.

Example of usage:

python .\src\tune.py --config .\config_default.yml --config .\config_optuna.yml