
Implement a simple Resnet according to the tutorial

Primary LanguagePython


Implement a simple Resnet according to the tutorial

  • 根据教程使用pytorch实现Resnet
  • 微调了教程中的一些代码,比如validationset 实际和 trainingset来自一个batch
  • 使用pytorch自带的dataloader下载CIFAR-10数据
  • 添加了部分注释,标识了layer的输出shape
  • 添加了visualization part

2022年10月21日更新 Resnet_labml.py 文件结合了Labmlai的writer库进行实现.

If you have an error about decoder , you can put the save_info function in labml\internal\experiment\experiment_run.py :

    def save_info(self):
        if self.diff is not None:
            with open(str(self.diff_path), "w") as f:

change into :

    def save_info(self):
        if self.diff is not None:
            with open(str(self.diff_path), "w",encoding='utf-8') as f:

2022年10月21日更新 Resnet_board.py 文件结合加入了tensor board进行可视化实现.