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Publicly accessible data associated with ASU Online Physical Chemistry Lab (CHM 343).

Description of Data Files

R134a_Vapor_Pressure_Exp_Data.txt - CSV (comma deliminated) ascii file with the first line being the data column heading and associated units. This data was from 'A constant volume apparatus for vapour pressure and gas phase P-v-T measurements: validation with data from R22 and R134a', Fluid Phase Equilibria, 1995, 109, 265-279. The data is a subset of Table 1, experimental vapour pressure data for R22 and R134a.

Saturated_Vapor_Pressure_Data.txt - CSV (comma deliminated) ascii file with the first line being the data column heading and associated units. The source of the data is from Tables A8 - A10, M.J. Moran and H.N. Shapiro, Fundamentals of Engineering Thermodynamics, 2nd Ed., 1992, and originally based on equations from D.P. Wilson et al, Thermodynamic Properties of the New Stratospherically Safe Working Fluid-Refrigerant - R134a, ASHRAE Trans., 94, 2095-2118 (1988).

Temp_Rate_Constant_kerr_Example_Data_CHM343.txt - CSV (comma deliminated) ascii file with the first line being the data column heading and associated units. This data was derived from 'An open-source, cross-platform resource for nonlinear least-squared curve fitting', Journal of Chemical Education, 2018, 95, 2273-2278 (DOI: 10.1021/acs.jchemed.8b00649). The data was showing in figure 2A and 2C, and discussed in the section, 'Use Case 1: Temperature Dependence of Reaction Rate Constants According to the Arrhenius Equation'.

2024_08_21_Ar_4_Node_Freq.csv - CSV (comma deliminated) ascii file with the first line being the data column headings and associated units. The resonance frequencies for four different acoustic interferometry spectra of Argon gas where determined using SciPy find_peak function. The original spectral data can be found in the Acoustic_Interferometry repository: 2024_08_21_AI_2ft_Ar_Spectrum.txt, 2024_08_21_AI_2ft_Ar_Spectrum2.txt, 2024_08_21_AI_2ft_Ar_Spectrum3.txt, and 2024_08_21_AI_2ft_Ar_Spectrum4.txt

2024_08_21_Sensors_Ar_Gas_Temp_Measurments.txt - CSV (comma deliminated) ascii file with the first line being the data column headings and associated units. This data is the recording of the thermocouple Ar gas temperature taken 5 times for statical analysis. The temperature data was taken during the collection of Ar gas acoustic interferometry data (2024_08_21_AI_2ft_Ar_Sepctrum*.txt).

2024_08_24_Weigh_Vial_10x_Data.txt - CSV (comma deliminated) ascii file with the first line being the data column headings and associated units. Weight a standard vial 10 times on a Mettler-Toledo XSR105 balance to test reproducibility of experimental weight measurement on a modern lab balance. This data is a good 'real-world' representative measurement of reproducibility and uncertainty, which can be determined through standard statistical analysis (mean, standard deviation).

2024_08_24_Weight_10ul_Water_Pipette_Data.txt - CSV (comma deliminated) ascii file with the first line being the data column headings and associated units. Use a modern 2-20 uL pipette to measure out 10 uL of purified water and put it into a vial and measure the weight of the 10 uL water using a Mettler-Toledo XSR105 balance. Do this procedure 10 times to test reproducibility. The data has 3 columns (Measurement, Volume (ul), Weight (g)) with 10 weight measurements of 10 uL of water pipetted 10 times to test the accuracy and precession of a modern pipette for volume measurement.

2024_08_24_Weight_1ml_Water_Pipette_Data.txt - CSV (comma deliminated) ascii file with the first line being the data column headings and associated units. Use a modern 200-1000 uL pipette to measure out 1 mL of purified water and put it into a vial and measure the weight of the 1 mL water using a Mettler-Toledo XSR105 balance. Do this procedure 10 times to test reproducibility. The data has 3 columns (Measurement, Volume (ml), Weight (g)) with 10 weight measurements of 1 mL of water pipetted 10 times to test the accuracy and precession of a modern pipette for volume measurement.