Warning this is a fully compatible fork of https://github.com/mumax/3 with an added custom geometry import feature. This has been ported to the new go modules system. Needs custom build instructions, see below.
GPU accelerated micromagnetic simulator.
The Design and Verification of mumax3:
- install Go
- https://golang.org/dl/
- set $GOPATH
- insall GIT, please
- install CUDA and nvidia driver
sudo apt-get install nvidia-cuda-toolkit nvidia-driver
or whatever your distro does- only get drivers manually on windows, don't make your admin cry! https://developer.nvidia.com/cuda-downloads (pick default installation path)
- Windows only: this project has hardcoded location for CUDA SDK to C:\CUDA, symlink/install accordingly (you need to symlink the insides of the folder with version number as the name)
- install a C compiler
- on Ubuntu/Debian:
sudo apt-get install gcc
- on Windows either gcc or cl (from visual studio work, provided they are in PATH)
- on Ubuntu/Debian:
- get repo & compile
- clone this repo
git clone https://github.com/Artemkth/3.git
- change into the repository directory
- either a: build executable in curent dir by running
go build ./cmd/mumax3
or build it into $GOPATH/bin withgo install ./cmd/mumax3
- other utilities can be built similarly by pointing at their directories instead
- clone this repo
- optional: install gnuplot if you want pretty graphs
- on ubuntu:
sudo apt-get install gnuplot
- on ubuntu:
- use the Makefile if there is a need to recompile the cuda kernels
make realclean && make
Contributions are gratefully accepted. To contribute code, fork our repo on github and send a pull request.