Developed by Connor Hollasch and Jason Stallkamp.
Interesting features include,
- Ability to toggle particle simulations on and off simultaneously.
- Modify settings to specific emitters.
- Change particle update frequency (global).
- Change max amount of particles displayed on the screen.
- Enable a lightweight debug mode for developers.
- Create simple particle systems for any JFrame application!
final ParticleSystem host = new ParticleSystem(5);
host.addRespawnTask(new SnowSpawnController().setHost(host).setFrequency(10));
host.addRespawnTask(new FireworkSpawnController().setHost(host).setFrequency(10));
host.addRespawnTask(new StarSpawnController().setHost(host).setFrequency(10));
host.addRespawnTask(new FireflySpawnController().setHost(host).setFrequency(10));
Used as an AP Computer Science class demonstration during STEM Fest at Mount Si High School 2015.
Some pictures of the application in use included below.