DiSCo Challenge repo for the SCIL team

This is the main repository of the processing pipeline for the SCIL's submission to the MICCAI CDMRI 2021 DiSCo Challenge.


All of the relevant data is stored on braindata (braindata/datasets/DiSCo) and uses the BIDS format. Three datasets are available:

  • sub-DiSCo1 is the training data, for which we have the ground-truth connectivity matrix.
  • sub-DiSCo3 is the validation data, for which we also have the ground-truth connectivity matrix.
  • sub-DiSCo2 is the test data, for which we do not have the ground-truth connectivity matrix.


The pipeline does some very basic processing steps right now:

  • Step 1 : Denoise DWI
  • Step 2 : Extract shell used for WM and frf computing
  • Step 3 : Compute FA map
  • Step 4 : Compute tissue masks
  • Step 5 : Compute frf
  • Step 6 : Compute fodf
  • Step 7 : Compute local tracking (use 'local') OR Compute pft (use 'pft')
  • Step 8 : Run commit
  • Step 9 : Decompose connectivity
  • Step 10 : Compute connectivity
  • Step 11 : Compute correlation
  • Step 12 : Compute binary correlation
  • Step 13 : Compute confusion matrix

Getting started

You will need to have scilpy scripts loaded as part of your environment. To run the base version of the pipeline on the training data, you can run:

$ cd code
$ bash -x DiSCo_connectivity_pipeline.sh ~/braindata/databases/DiSCo/sub-DiSCo1/sub-DiSCo1_DWI_RicianNoise-snr30.nii.gz ~/braindata/databases/DiSCo/sub-DiSCo1/sub-DiSCo1_DWI_RicianNoise-snr30.bval ~/braindata/databases/DiSCo/sub-DiSCo1/sub-DiSCo1_DWI_RicianNoise-snr30.bvec ~/braindata/databases/DiSCo/sub-DiSCo1/sub-DiSCo1_ROIs.nii.gz ~/braindata/databases/DiSCo/sub-DiSCo1/sub-DiSCo1_Connectivity_Matrix_Cross-Sectional_Area.txt pft training

which should net you an r coefficient of around ~0.80.


To participate, simply fork this repo and start hacking ! You can add, remove or modify steps of the main pipeline as you wish.

Other teams' members

Of course, because this repository is public, we cannot prevent anyone from looking. However, if you are part of another team, we would encourage you to not take inspiration from this repo.