
Simulation for double editing pulse MegaPress sequence

bsjeong opened this issue · 2 comments


With editing "run_simMegPressShaped.m" file, I'd like to simulate basis set for MegaPress sequence using double editing pulse.
My questions are

  1. Dual band RF were applied at -1.9 and -4.7 ppm.
    In this case, do I add 4.7 as well as 1.9 for "editOnFreq"? Otherwise, 4.7 can be neglected?

  2. In edit OFF pulse sequence, the dual band RF pulse is shifted about -3.01 ppm.
    What is the correct value for "editOffFreq"? 4.91 (=1.9 + 3.01) or 7.71 (=4.7+3.01)

  3. In event block, refocusing pulses with 180 degree were applied at - 4.7 ppm.
    If so, refPhCyc1 & 2 are [0, 180] & [0,180] in contrast to [0,90] in default value in the example script.
    I believe editPhCyc1 & 2 are [0 90] & [0 90] same as in the example script.

  4. If exponential line broadening is 3 Hz, is the linewidth of the output spectrum 3 Hz?

Thanks in advance,


Dear Jamie,

Thank you so much for your reply.
I got your answer regarding to my question 3 and 4.

It is hard to follow your answer 1 and 2 as, I believe, I'm a very beginner in terms of MR sequence stuff.
I'm worried that the following question doesn't make any sense at all.

  1. How to create a dual band version of gaussian editing pulse?
    It seems "rf_dualBand.m" may be the code for it, but I need your help.
    Just I guess few parameters for it.

tp (pulse duration, ms) = 19.712 ;
df (frequency of 2nd gaussian band, Hz) = ? ; (2.8ppm = -1.9 + 4.7)
n = 400; (just follow to it in single band pulse)
bw = ? ;
ph = ? ; (610.28)
shft = ? ; (3.01ppm)

  1. if I understand my event blocks in my dual band pulse, the RF pulse have two bands may be symmetrically placed off resonance and exact frequencies of band may be 299 and -209, respectively.
    in editing on sequence,
    The 1st refocusing pulse (180 degree of flip, 7ms long) have 299/-286.74 ~ 0/-466.74 (Freq/Phase)
    The 1st editing pulse(19.712ms long) is placed between -172/610.28 ~ 0/610.28
    The 2nd refocusing pulse (180 degree, 0.6ms long) have -209/112.57 ~ 0/-67.43
    The 2nd editing pulse(19.712ms long) is placed between -172/610.28 ~ 0/610.28
    The 3rd (180 degree of flip, 7ms long) have -159/ 290.34 ~ 0/110.34

In editing OFF sequence, both frequency and phase of editing pulse is change from -172 to 172. 610.28 to -610.28, respectively.
The 1st editing pulse(19.712ms long) is placed between 172/-610.28 ~ 0/-610.28
The 2nd editing pulse(19.712ms long) is placed between 172/-610.28 ~ 0/-610.28

Warm regards,
