
Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

Basic instructions to run the Differentiable Simulator

The code is designed to generate MC samples in a cylindrical detector doing ray tracing.

The optimization code is not implemented yet. (in progress)

The main code to run the forward is in CherenkovSimulator.py. The main parameters to specify are:

  • The detector configuration file
  • The output filename for the simulated event data
  • The number of photons to simulate
  • The temperature parameter which controls the ray tracing relaxation
  • The random seed / random parameters

Dataset Visualization:

-> To visualize the dataset one can use plot_dataset_in_2D.py

Usage: python3 plot_dataset_in_2D.py --filename events/test_event_data.h5 --plot_time --output event_time.png

By default, filename is events/test_event_data.h5 and --plot_time to plot time or not


  • To run 1D gradient variation tests, run tests/one_dimensional_grad_profiles.py. You can run with random parameters
  • To run runtime tests, run tests/propagate_runtime.py or tests/simulation_loss_grad_runtime.py. You can run them both in CPU mode (or GPU, make sure to download the GPU version of JAX)

Code structure:

  • The main simulation code is in tools/simulation.py
  • The main propagation code is in tools/propagate.py
  • The main detector geometry code is in config/cyl_geom_config.js