Github Pages for Group Meetings

(Forked from The Hacker Within, Berkeley)

Set Up

We love sessions that have example code! If you have example code, please place it in an appropriately named directory in the master branch of this GitHub repository. Make a pull request or push your branch to the thehackerwithin/berkeley fork. If you know how to do that, please go right ahead. If you aren't sure about forks and pull requests, here are some detailed instructions:

Uploading Example Code

  1. Go here:
  2. Press the Fork button (you'll need a github account)
  3. In your terminal, execute git clone
  4. Enter the new directory with cd berkeley
  5. Add the THW remote with git remote add thw
  6. Fetch information about the THW remote with git fetch thw
  7. Now, you need to check what branch you're in git branch
  8. If you're in the master branch, move the important files to an appropriately named directory there. (Browse the directory for examples of other's additions.)
  9. Add the files to the repo: git add <path to your new files>
  10. Commit them. git commit -am "I added files for the tutorial on my topic.."
  11. Git push to your origin with git push origin master
  12. Navigate in your browser to and press the pull request button

Now you're done adding code example files! You'll need to edit the post related to your talk.

Add Your Tutorial to the Site

Rather than preparing a slideshow, please consider leading as interactive a session as possible. This is often done by leading the audience through whatever code examples you pushed to the master branch. Supportive text can be added to the markdown file holding the blog post for your talk. To add text to that file and to edit your bio, switch branches to the gh-pages branch, where the website it held. There, you may need to both create and modify the post.

  1. Navigate in your repository to the gh-pages branch with git checkout gh-pages
  2. Then, create and modify the post as in the sections below.

Creating a Post

In the directory that you just cloned (berkeley), you'll notice a _posts directory. The post related to the day and topic of your talk may already exist. If so, skip ahead to "Modifying a Post."

If not, you'll need to create it. Thankfully, you'll also notice a _drafts directory. In the drafts directory, you'll find an empty template for meeting minutes YYYY-MM-DD-subject.markdown. If you're preparing for a special holiday meeting on March 1, 2015, then the proper name for the file you're creating should be something like 2015-03-01-katysbirthday.markdown.

  • In the berkeley directory, execute cp _drafts/YYYY-MM-DD-subject.markdown _posts/2015-03-01-katysbirthday.markdown
  • Then, edit that file as you see fit
  • Add that file to the repository git add _posts/2015-03-01-katysbirthday.markdown
  • Commit it: git commit -am "adds a post for march 1"
  • Push it to your fork git push origin gh-pages
  • Check if it worked at .
  • Iterate on this until you're happy
  • and then either push to the upstream gh-pages remote branch or make a pull request.

Modifying a Post

This is very similar to creating a post:

  • if the file for your date is YYYY-MM-DD-tbd.markdown, rename the file replacing "tbd" with your topic
  • edit the post
  • Commit it: `git commit -am "adds a post for march 1"
  • Push it to your fork git push origin gh-pages
  • Check if it worked at .
  • Iterate on this until you're happy
  • and then either push to the upstream gh-pages remote branch or make a pull request.

Build the site locally

If you'd like to test the post before pushing or making a PR, you can build the site locally:

  • Install Jekyll: gem install jekyll
  • Run the jekyll server: jekyll --server

You should have a server up and running locally at http://localhost:4000.

About this website.

It's all based on something @katyhuff forked. It's called Left. It uses jekyll. It was extracted from That is, we use Left to lay out this jekyll.

Left is a clean, whitespace-happy layout for Jekyll.

Left Licensing

The Left layout is MIT with no added caveats. Left is the work of Zach Holman @holman.
