This repository contains two scripts: This script likes all the videos on a YouTube channel. This script subscribes to all the YouTube channels in a text file. Requirements:
Python 3 youtube-dl curl Usage:
Clone this repository. Install the requirements. Create a text file called credentials.txt and add your YouTube email and password to it. For, change the CHANNEL_ID variable to the ID of the YouTube channel whose videos you want to like. For, create a text file called input_data.txt and add the IDs of the YouTube channels you want to subscribe to. Run the script. Example:
./ Notes:
You need to be logged in to YouTube for the scripts to work. The scripts are still under development, so there may be bugs. Use the scripts at your own risk.
License: MIT
Author: SHIELD
This script subscribes to all the YouTube channels in a text file.
Python 3 curl Usage:
Clone this repository. Install the requirements. Create a text file called input_data.txt and add the IDs of the YouTube channels you want to subscribe to. Run the script: python Example:
Subscribe to all the YouTube channels in the file input_data.txt:
python Notes:
You need to be logged in to YouTube for the script to work. The script is still under development, so there may be bugs. Use the script at your own risk. License: MIT