
Saalfeld's 1874 index of 1,763 Ancient Greek loanwords in Latin, in RDF.

Index Graecorum Vocabulorum in Linguam Latinam

Manually-corrected OCR of G.A. Saalfeld's list of 1,763 Latin loans from Ancient Greek (1874). This work was carried out as part of an internship at the CIRCSE Research Centre in Milan, Italy, in the context of the LiLa: Linking Latin project.

IGVLL.csv file

  1. lila_id
  2. lemma_latin, as recorded in the Index
  3. lemma_greek, as recorded in the Index:
  4. certainty indicates editorial uncertainty on Greek provenance
  5. written_representation, i.e. graphical variants of the Greek lemma(s)
  6. lemma_variant, i.e. alternative Greek lemma(s)
  7. compound, i.e. compound Greek lemmas
  8. lsj_exactMatch: where available, URN of the corresponding Ancient Greek lemma in the LSJ CITE APP
  9. lsj_broadMatch: failing an lsj_exactMatch and where available, the URN of the nearest match in the LSJ CITE APP (e.g. φυσική vs. φυσικός)
  10. lsj_relatedMatch: failing an lsj_exactMatch and an lsj_broadMatch and where available, the URN of a related lemma in the LSJ CITE APP (e.g. ἐντεροκηλικός vs. ἐντεροκήλη)

IGVLL.ttl Turtle file

Example entry in the Terse RDF Triple Language (Turtle) syntax: abacus

<http://lila-erc.eu/data/lexicalResources/IGVLL/id/LexicalEntry/abacus> a ontolex:LexicalEntry;
  lemonEty:etymology <http://lila-erc.eu/data/lexicalResources/IGVLL/id/etymology/1>;
  <http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#label> "abacus";
  ontolex:canonicalForm <http://lila-erc.eu/data/id/lemma/86829> .

<http://lila-erc.eu/data/lexicalResources/IGVLL/id/etymon/1> a lemonEty:Etymon;
  <http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#label> "ἄβαξ";
  skos:exactMatch <urn:cite2:hmt:lsj.chicago_md:n51>;
  lime:language "grc";
  ontolex:canonicalForm [ ontolex:writtenRep "ἄβαξ"  ] .

<http://lila-erc.eu/data/lexicalResources/IGVLL/id/etymology/1> a lemonEty:Etymology,
  lemonEty:etymon <http://lila-erc.eu/data/lexicalResources/IGVLL/id/etymon/1>;
  lemonEty:hasEtyLink <http://lila-erc.eu/data/lexicalResources/IGVLL/id/etylink/1>;
  <http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#label> "Etymology of: abacus" .

<http://lila-erc.eu/data/lexicalResources/IGVLL/id/etylink/1> a lemonEty:EtyLink;
  lemonEty:etyLinkType "borrowing";
  lemonEty:etySource <http://lila-erc.eu/data/lexicalResources/IGVLL/id/etymon/1>;
  lemonEty:etyTarget <http://lila-erc.eu/data/lexicalResources/IGVLL/id/LexicalEntry/abacus>;
  <http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#label> "Etymology Link" .

Linked Data views

Linked data graph and descriptive views of all IGVLL lemmas are available from HERE.


  • Creators: Greta Franzini, Federica Zampedri, Marco Passarotti
  • Contributors: Francesco Mambrini, Giovanni Moretti

The LiLa: Linking Latin project has received funding from the European Research Council (ERC) under the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme – Grant Agreement No. 769994.


Creative Commons Licence
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.



This resource is also available in the ILC4CLARIN repository of CLARIN-IT: http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.11752/OPEN-528.