
Primary LanguagePython



Deep Contrastive Learning Network for Small-Sample Hyperspectral Image Classification

The source of our paper: [https://spj.science.org/doi/epdf/10.34133/remotesensing.0025]


The DCLN is method for small-sample HSI classification. It can realize effective spatial–spectral feature extraction, pseudo-label learning, and classification in the case of limited training samples.



  • [Anaconda 3]
  • [Pytorch 1.7]
  • [CUDA 10.1]
  • [sklearn 0.23.2]


You can download the hyperspectral datasets in mat format at: http://www.ehu.eus/ccwintco/index.php/Hyperspectral_Remote_Sensing_Scenes, and move the files to ./data folder.

An example dataset folder has the following structure:

├── IP
│   ├── indian_pines_corrected.mat
│   ├── indian_pines_gt.mat
├── salinas
│   ├── salinas_corrected.mat
│   └── salinas_gt.mat
├── hou
│   ├── houston.mat
│   └── houston_gt.mat
└── paviaU
    ├── paviaU_gt.mat
    └── paviaU.mat


Take DCLN method on the UP dataset as an example:

  1. Download the required data set and move to folder./data.
  2. Install the requirements : conda env create -f environment.yml.
  3. Taking 5 labeled samples per class as an example, run train.py to train the model.
  4. run test.py and get the results.


lf you use DCLN code in your research, we would appreciate a citation to the original paper:

“Liu Q, Peng J, Zhang G, Sun W, Du Q. Deep Contrastive Learning Network for Small-Sample Hyperspectral Image Classification. J. Remote Sens. 2023;3:Article 0025. https://doi.org/10.34133/remotesensing.0025”

##Contact Quanyong Liu, 584298639@qq.com