CIS565: Project 5: WebGL

Fall 2013

Due Friday 11/08/2013


This project requires any graphics card with support for a modern OpenGL pipeline. Any AMD, NVIDIA, or Intel card from the past few years should work fine, and every machine in the SIG Lab and Moore 100 is capable of running this project.

This project also requires a WebGL capable browser. The project is known to have issues with Chrome on windows, but Firefox seems to run it fine.


In this project, you will get introduced to the world of GLSL in two parts: vertex shading and fragment shading. The first part of this project is the Image Processor, and the second part of this project is a Wave Vertex Shader.

In the first part of this project, you will implement a GLSL vertex shader as part of a WebGL demo. You will create a dynamic wave animation using code that runs entirely on the GPU.

In the second part of this project, you will implement a GLSL fragment shader to render an interactive globe in WebGL. This will include texture blending, bump mapping, specular masking, and adding a cloud layer to give your globe a uniquie feel.


The Project4 root directory contains the following subdirectories:

  • part1/ contains the base code for the Wave Vertex Shader.
  • part2/ contains the base code for the Globe Fragment Shader.
  • resources/ contains the screenshots found in this readme file.


In Part 1, you are given code for:

  • Drawing a VBO through WebGL
  • Javascript code for interfacing with WebGL
  • Functions for generating simplex noise

You are required to implement the following:

  • A sin-wave based vertex shader:

Example sin wave grid

  • A simplex noise based vertex shader:

Example simplex noise wave grid

  • One interesting vertex shader of your choice


Sin Wave

  • For this assignment, you will need the latest version of Firefox.
  • Begin by opening index.html. You should see a flat grid of black and white lines on the xy plane:

Example boring grid

  • In this assignment, you will animate the grid in a wave-like pattern using a vertex shader, and determine each vertex’s color based on its height, as seen in the example in the requirements.

  • The vertex and fragment shader are located in script tags in index.html.

  • The JavaScript code that needs to be modified is located in index.js.

  • Required shader code modifications:

    • Add a float uniform named u_time.
    • Modify the vertex’s height using the following code:
     float s_contrib = sin(position.x*2.0*3.14159 + u_time);
     float t_contrib = cos(position.y*2.0*3.14159 + u_time);
     float height = s_contrib*t_contrib;
    • Use the GLSL mix function to blend together two colors of your choice based on the vertex’s height. The lowest possible height should be assigned one color (for example, vec3(1.0, 0.2, 0.0)) and the maximum height should be another (vec3(0.0, 0.8, 1.0)). Use a varying variable to pass the color to the fragment shader, where you will assign it gl_FragColor.
  • Required JavaScript code modifications:

    • A floating-point time value should be increased every animation step. Hint: the delta should be less than one.
    • To pass the time to the vertex shader as a uniform, first query the location of u_time using context.getUniformLocation in initializeShader(). Then, the uniform’s value can be set by calling context.uniform1f in animate().

Simplex Wave

  • Now that you have the sin wave working, create a new copy of index.html. Call it index_simplex.html, or something similar.
  • Open up simplex.vert, which contains a compact GLSL simplex noise implementation, in a text editor. Copy and paste the functions included inside into your index_simplex.html's vertex shader.
  • Try changing s_contrib and t_contrib to use simplex noise instead of sin/cos functions with the following code:
vec2 simplexVec = vec2(u_time, position);
float s_contrib = snoise(simplexVec);
float t_contrib = snoise(vec2(s_contrib,u_time));

Wave Of Your Choice

  • Create another copy of index.html. Call it index_custom.html, or something similar.
  • Implement your own interesting vertex shader! In your with your submission, describe your custom vertex shader, what it does, and how it works.


In Part 2, you are given code for:

  • Reading and loading textures
  • Rendering a sphere with textures mapped on
  • Basic passthrough fragment and vertex shaders
  • A basic globe with Earth terrain color mapping
  • Gamma correcting textures
  • javascript to interact with the mouse
    • left-click and drag moves the camera around
    • right-click and drag moves the camera in and out

You are required to implement:

  • Bump mapped terrain
  • Rim lighting to simulate atmosphere
  • Night-time lights on the dark side of the globe
  • Specular mapping
  • Moving clouds

You are also required to pick one open-ended effect to implement:

  • Procedural water rendering and animation using noise
  • Shade based on altitude using the height map
  • Cloud shadows via ray-tracing through the cloud map in the fragment shader
  • Orbiting Moon with texture mapping and shadow casting onto Earth
  • Draw a skybox around the entire scene for the stars.
  • Your choice! Email Liam and Patrick to get approval first

Finally in addition to your readme, you must also set up a gh-pages branch (explained below) to expose your beautiful WebGL globe to the world.

Some examples of what your completed globe renderer will look like:

Completed globe, day side

Figure 0. Completed globe renderer, daylight side.

Completed globe, twilight

Figure 1. Completed globe renderer, twilight border.

Completed globe, night side

Figure 2. Completed globe renderer, night side.


Open part2/frag_globe.html in Firefox to run it. You’ll see a globe with Phong lighting like the one in Figure 3. All changes you need to make will be in the fragment shader portion of this file.

Initial globe

Figure 3. Initial globe with diffuse and specular lighting.

Night Lights

The backside of the globe not facing the sun is completely black in the initial globe. Use the diffuse lighting component to detect if a fragment is on this side of the globe, and, if so, shade it with the color from the night light texture, u_Night. Do not abruptly switch from day to night; instead use the GLSL mix function to smoothly transition from day to night over a reasonable period. The resulting globe will look like Figure 4. Consider brightening the night lights by multiplying the value by two.

The base code shows an example of how to gamma correct the nighttime texture:

float gammaCorrect = 1/1.2;
vec4 nightColor = pow(texture2D(u_Night, v_Texcoord), vec4(gammaCorrect));

Feel free to play with gamma correcting the night and day textures if you wish. Find values that you think look nice!

Day/Night without specular mapping

Figure 4. Globe with night lights and day/night blending at dusk/dawn.

Specular Map

Our day/night color still shows specular highlights on landmasses, which should only be diffuse lit. Only the ocean should receive specular highlights. Use u_EarthSpec to determine if a fragment is on ocean or land, and only include the specular component if it is in ocean.

Day/Night with specular mapping

Figure 5. Globe with specular map. Compare to Figure 4. Here, the specular component is not used when shading the land.


In day time, clouds should be diffuse lit. Use u_Cloud to determine the cloud color, and u_CloudTrans and mix to determine how much a daytime fragment is affected by the day diffuse map or cloud color. See Figure 6.

In night time, clouds should obscure city lights. Use u_CloudTrans and mix to blend between the city lights and solid black. See Figure 7.

Animate the clouds by offseting the s component of v_Texcoord by u_time when reading u_Cloud and u_CloudTrans.

Day with clouds

Figure 6. Clouds with day time shading.

Night with clouds

Figure 7. Clouds observing city nights on the dark side of the globe.

Bump Mapping

Add the appearance of mountains by perturbing the normal used for diffuse lighting the ground (not the clouds) by using the bump map texture, u_Bump. This texture is 1024x512, and is zero when the fragment is at sea-level, and one when the fragment is on the highest mountain. Read three texels from this texture: once using v_Texcoord; once one texel to the right; and once one texel above. Create a perturbed normal in tangent space:

normalize(vec3(center - right, center - top, 0.2))

Use eastNorthUpToEyeCoordinates to transform this normal to eye coordinates, normalize it, then use it for diffuse lighting the ground instead of the original normal.

Globe with bump mapping

Figure 8. Bump mapping brings attention to mountains.

Rim Lighting

Rim lighting is a simple post-processed lighting effect we can apply to make the globe look as if it has an atmospheric layer catching light from the sun. Implementing rim lighting is simple; we being by finding the dot product of v_Normal and v_Position, and add 1 to the dot product. We call this value our rim factor. If the rim factor is greater than 0, then we add a blue color based on the rim factor to the current fragment color. You might use a color something like vec4(rim/4, rim/2, rim/2, 1). If our rim factor is not greater than 0, then we leave the fragment color as is. Figures 0,1 and 2 show our finished globe with rim lighting.

For more information on rim lighting, read


Since this assignment is in WebGL you will make your project easily viewable by taking advantage of GitHub's project pages feature.

Once you are done you will need to create a new branch named gh-pages:

git branch gh-pages

Switch to your new branch:

git checkout gh-pages

Create an index.html file that is either your renamed frag_globe.html or contains a link to it, commit, and then push as usual. Now you can go to


to see your beautiful globe from anywhere.


All students must replace or augment the contents of this in a clear manner with the following:

  • A brief description of the project and the specific features you implemented.
  • At least one screenshot of your project running.
  • A 30 second or longer video of your project running. To create the video you can use
  • A performance evaluation (described in detail below).


The performance evaluation is where you will investigate how to make your program more efficient using the skills you've learned in class. You must have performed at least one experiment on your code to investigate the positive or negative effects on performance.

We encourage you to get creative with your tweaks. Consider places in your code that could be considered bottlenecks and try to improve them.

Each student should provide no more than a one page summary of their optimizations along with tables and or graphs to visually explain any performance differences.


  • Use of any third-party code must be approved by asking on the Google groups.
    If it is approved, all students are welcome to use it. Generally, we approve use of third-party code that is not a core part of the project. For example, for the ray tracer, we would approve using a third-party library for loading models, but would not approve copying and pasting a CUDA function for doing refraction.
  • Third-party code must be credited in
  • Using third-party code without its approval, including using another student's code, is an academic integrity violation, and will result in you receiving an F for the semester.


  • On the submission date, email your grade, on a scale of 0 to 100, to Liam,, with a one paragraph explanation. Be concise and realistic. Recall that we reserve 30 points as a sanity check to adjust your grade. Your actual grade will be (0.7 * your grade) + (0.3 * our grade). We hope to only use this in extreme cases when your grade does not realistically reflect your work - it is either too high or too low. In most cases, we plan to give you the exact grade you suggest.
  • Projects are not weighted evenly, e.g., Project 0 doesn't count as much as the path tracer. We will determine the weighting at the end of the semester based on the size of each project.


As with the previous project, you should fork this project and work inside of your fork. Upon completion, commit your finished project back to your fork, and make a pull request to the master repository. You should include a file in the root directory detailing the following

  • A brief description of the project and specific features you implemented
  • At least one screenshot of your project running.
  • A link to a video of your project running.
  • Instructions for building and running your project if they differ from the base code.
  • A performance writeup as detailed above.
  • A list of all third-party code used.
  • This Readme file edited as described above in the README section.