OVAL Help Needed
Closed this issue · 1 comments
We've reviewed your request internally at CIS and will do our best to assist you.
Is this repository still maintained?
This repository, the corresponding site (oval.cisecurity.org), and OVAL language development are all free and community driven. Center for Internet Security supports and encourages continued development in the community and have in the past offered some assistance to the community.
Support capacity from CIS for OVAL development is limited and we rely heavily on community contribution and expertise. However, we do our best to address issues on a case by case basis.
What are the auto-status updates each week? / What do they update automatically?
Everything submitted to the OVAL Repo is either 'new' (a new contribution) or an 'update'. Each of these must go through the following process during a status update:
Content submitted -> DRAFT
DRAFT -> After a two week hold with no additional changes is moved to -> INTERIM
INTERIM -> After a two week hold with no substantive issues is moved to -> ACCEPTED
ACCEPTED -> is accepted until modified (back to INTERIM or DEPRECATED)
Each week, on Fridays, CIS updates each contribution to the next status according to the above set of rules.
I have noticed a lot more strange files being added here too not referenced in docs.
Are you able to share which file(s) are in question so that we can address each individually?
Can someone help me on when I would have to add these that are not in the docs?
Please let us know what you're looking to add so we can review each case. Below, I've added some information about contributing to the repository that may help:
CIS reviews the Pull Request for format and validation on Tuesdays and Thursdays
Is there additional OVAL docs listed elsewhere? Can I contribute by email or other ways?
The preferred content submission process is through GitHub.
We offer scripts to help with the submission process. Using them requires Python 3 and other packages. Instructions for this can be found here:
and here:
Find scripts here:
Hope this helps,