- 0
#1950 opened by Duytran666 - 0
SQL test for MS SQL Server
#1949 opened by seardes - 0
Shutdown site
#1948 opened by Aaroncarrgymbros - 1
Patch Definitions not available for windows 2011
#1947 opened by kawadhesh - 0
[Windows] Windows Server 2019 throwing exception while running ovaldi.exe with latest oval vulnerability xml.
#1946 opened by 007-Abhinav - 0
- 3
OVAL script for specific windows OS version
#1943 opened by RC-008 - 1
FileNotFound oval_org.mitre.oval_def_1853.xml
#1936 opened by joshuaperrette - 1
Vulnerability and Patch Definitions update
#1935 opened by SurekhaRaghavan - 15
- 0
Failed to detect windows vulnerability with the windows vulnerability oval file
#1929 opened by lijjhaha - 1
- 1
No Microsoft Windows vulnerabilities published since June
#1926 opened by neilp-snow - 1
Whoops, looks like something went wrong.
#1928 opened by neilp-snow - 4
Possible Issue Regarding oval_org.mitre.oval_tst_11355 (OVAL Registry Test)
#1858 opened by muslugorkem - 2 packages not up to date
#1870 opened by DavidRies - 10 results in the same file for any kind of build
#1905 opened by commandline-be - 1
Regarding OVAL definition files for Fedora OS
#1914 opened by novicejava1 - 1
OVAL Help Needed
#1919 opened - 6
Occasional invalid data from API
#1920 opened by misuto - 3
- 2
OVAL xml download: 500 Internal Server Error
#1916 opened by gunnsth - 0
Microsoft Windows Server 2022
#1908 opened by gunnsth - 0
- 4
FP of CVE-2020-1009 on Windows Server 2016
#1863 opened by gunnsth - 6
Linux example broken in exceptions:
#1894 opened by infojg9 - 0
- 0
support for vmware esxi
#1885 opened by vampire7v - 2
Not the latest Vulernabilities
#1877 opened by liamd-dsl - 4
- 0
- 7
Download xml feeds from site problem
#1867 opened by kuPyxa - 0
Almost everything works but if you have any with 0 results this error is produced?
#1862 opened by slarchacki22 - 11
[Windows] Possible issues when using Windows\WinSXS* subfolders to determine Library-Versions
#1710 opened by Memnarch - 0
XML Schema Validation errors
#1839 opened by meguoe - 1
/Scripts folder cleanup
#1830 opened by DavidRies - 8
Allow creation of a definitions file that contains 'recent' vulnerabilities rather than 'everything'
#1827 opened by nrathaus - 13
Merge Issue: 499 Duplicate IDs (urgent)
#1806 opened by DavidRies - 15
No new vulnerability definitions since 2019-03-01
#1696 opened by mirostauder - 5
Possible False Positive for OVAL def:5835 and def:5768
#1765 opened by obas21 - 2
IBM AIX 7.1 and HP-UX 11 platforms not being updated with new content.
#1702 opened by rakshitkitchloo - 0
Validate oval.xml hangs
#1760 opened by swyan - 1
Typo in python3 ./ -h
#1759 opened by swyan - 2
Duplicate entry for oval:org.cisecurity:tst:9236
#1747 opened by glugod-aurea - 9
Build definitions from local repository?
#1718 opened by DenisNovac - 3
file version bumped even if nothing changed
#1716 opened by mirostauder - 2
[Windows] Windows Server 2016 registry state oval:org.cisecurity:ste:1519 is ambiguous
#1714 opened by Chuck-Bohling - 2
- 8
Referenced variable doesn't exist.
#1699 opened by rakshitkitchloo - 0
Malformed XML on master
#1693 opened by OvalConsumer