
Example code for web components and single directional data flow.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Example code for web components and single directional data flow.



Run yarn to install the node modules


Preview the application

yarn serve

This command serves the app at http://localhost:3023 and targets chrome.

You can pass a --ie flag to target IE11 and a --modern flag to target modern browsers that do not natively support custom elements.

yarn serve --ie
yarn serve --modern


yarn start

Starts the development server and sets up a watch task for development.


yarn build

Builds the application for chrome.

You can also build for other browsers:

yarn build --ie
yarn build --modern


yarn watch

Sets up a watch task.

Node scripts

There are two node scripts that handle build tasks and css transpilation. Both support a help command which will list other options.

yarn webdev help
yarn css help