
eLock is an electron based app , for conducting online coding exams in an restricted environment

Primary LanguageJavaScript


eLock is an electron based app with certain restrictions which helps to prevent malpratices to a greater extent.


  • Disabled Copy , Paste ...
  • On change of application , the examination app quits.
  • Special keys blocked.

Getting Started

Cloning repository

git clone https://github.com/pranshuchittora/eLock.git

Installing dependencies

npm install


yarn install

Running the Project

npm start


yarn start

Packaging the app

npm run build-win  #For windows
npm run build-mac  #For MacOS
npm run build-lnux  #For Linux

Project Struture

+-- appLogic                 # Main Logic of the app
|   +-- keys.json
|   +-- mainMenu.js
|   +-- restriction.js    
+-- build                    # Contains builds for dist
+-- buildAssts               # App assets
+-- public                   # Webpage
+-- index.js                 # Entry point
+-- package.json             # No explanation required
+-- README.md