Fork of Linuxserver's docker-jackett to include the jackett-public variant

The team brings you another container release featuring easy user mapping and community support. Find us for support at:

  • IRC on freenode at
  • Podcast covers everything to do with getting the most from your Linux Server plus a focus on all things Docker and containerisation!


[Docker Pulls][hub][Docker Stars][hub]Build Status [hub]:

Jackett works as a proxy server: it translates queries from apps (Sonarr, SickRage, CouchPotato, Mylar, etc) into tracker-site-specific http queries, parses the html response, then sends results back to the requesting software. This allows for getting recent uploads (like RSS) and performing searches. Jackett is a single repository of maintained indexer scraping & translation logic - removing the burden from other apps.Jackett

[jackett][jacketturl] [jacketturl]:


docker create --name=jackett \
-v <path to data>:/config \
-v <path to blackhole>:/downloads \
-e PGID=<gid> -e PUID=<uid> \
-e TZ=<timezone> \
-p 9117:9117 \


  • -p 9117 - the port(s)
  • -v /config - where Jackett should store its config file.
  • -v /downloads - Path to torrent blackhole
  • -e PGID for GroupID - see below for explanation
  • -e PUID for UserID - see below for explanation
  • -e TZ for timezone EG. Europe/London

It is based on alpine linux with s6 overlay, for shell access whilst the container is running do docker exec -it jackett /bin/bash.

User / Group Identifiers

Sometimes when using data volumes (-v flags) permissions issues can arise between the host OS and the container. We avoid this issue by allowing you to specify the user PUID and group PGID. Ensure the data volume directory on the host is owned by the same user you specify and it will "just work" ™.

In this instance PUID=1001 and PGID=1001. To find yours use id user as below:

  $ id <dockeruser>
    uid=1001(dockeruser) gid=1001(dockergroup) groups=1001(dockergroup)

Setting up the application

The web interface is at <your-ip>:9117 , configure various trackers and connections to other apps there. More info at Jackett.


  • To monitor the logs of the container in realtime docker logs -f jackett.


  • 22.09.16: Remove autoupdate, tidy up Dockerfile.
  • 10.09.16: Add layer badges to README.
  • 28.08.16: Add badges to README.
  • 06.08.16: Rebase to alpine linux for smaller image.
  • 25.01.16: Initial Release.