
Supporting data files for manuscript: 'Australian porcine CC10 E. coli belong to multiple sublineages of a highly diverse global CC10 phylogeny'

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Supporting data files for manuscript: 'Australian porcine CC10 E. coli belong to multiple sublineages of a highly diverse global CC10 phylogeny'

EC_customDB.fasta - Custom database of additional genes screened in this study

core.txt - Tab-delimited summary of percentage of bases aligned to reference for all strains

full.core.clean.gubbins.aln - Snippy cleaned, recombination filtered alignment.

full.core.clean.gubbins.snpsites.aln - As above with SNPs identified with snp-sites

full.core.clean.gubbins.snpsites.pairwise_snps.txt - Tab-delimited pairwise SNPs derived from the above alignment

full.core.clean.gubbins.snpsites.tree - Maximum-likelihood tree derived from full.core.clean.gubbins.snpsites.aln

full.core.clean.gubbins.snpsites.rooted.tree - As above, but rooted on HS outgroup strain

snippycore.aln - Core SNP alignment generated by snippy-core

snippycore.tree - Maximum-likelihood tree derived from the above alignment

CC10_MDS.R - R code used for MDS analysis and visualisation

CC10_SNPtree_heatmap.R - R code used to generate supplementary heatmaps