by chris joseph
A custom remote script for the APC40 MKII for Ableton Live 11. For Ableton Live 10 please see: https://github.com/CJmusic/APC40_MkIIx
- nudge + + copies a clip
- nudge + - deletes a clip
- shift + nudge now nudges
- shift + bank turns on VU meters
- user mode is a step sequencer
- shift + clip view is undo
- shift + detail view is redo
- shift + record is capture midi
- press and hold select clip to expand or collapse a group
Known Bugs:
- Velocity slider doesn't work (it doesn't play the note at that velocity, but it sequences it at it)
- Pads are always lit upon disconnect, velocity slider pads always lit (issue is with the make_button command ControlElementUtils.py) -VU meters doesn't zero out the session matrix when it's switched to
Features to be added:
- Shift + User mode will become an instrument mode with scales and playable midi notes on the pads
For installation instructions please visit: https://help.ableton.com/hc/en-us/articles/209072009-Installing-third-party-remote-scripts
NOTE: When downloading the .zip file GitHub adds a "-master" suffix. Please remove this before installing the script, the remote script folder name should be "APCJ40_MKII".
Please contact chrisjosephsongs@gmail.com for any questions/suggestions/improvements! Subscribe to youtube.com/c/chrisjosephyt for a Video tutorial once the Script is fully functional!
Special Thanks to:
gluon: https://github.com/gluon/AbletonLive11_MIDIRemoteScripts
xnamanahx: https://github.com/xnamahx/APC40_MkIIx
cylab: https://github.com/cylab/APCequencer
martinpechmann: https://github.com/martinpechmann/APC400000
hanzpetrov: http://remotescripts.blogspot.com/p/apc-64-40.html
fabriziopoce: https://github.com/matthewcieplak/APC_64_40_9l
willmarshall: https://github.com/willrjmarshall/AbletonDJTemplateUnsupported