Simulated Matrix Multiplication

In this folder you will find:

  • - A convenience script to set environment variables. Before building anytihng, call source ./
  • pure/ - A pure C implementation of the matrix multiplier. Build with make.
  • tlm/ - A SystemC + TLM 2.0 implementation. Build with make. Run with make run
  • prazor-tests/ - A test suite that runs the TLM implementation as an ARM binary on the Prazor virtual platform. Build with make. Run with make run.
  • utils/ - Utilities for energy monitoring and Zynq support.
  • vhls/ - The Prazor virtual platform code with plugin support.

VHLS is already pre-built for Linux x86_64, but to re-build VHLS, configure with:

# First time commands

# Reconfigure command
./configure --enable-plugins

# Rebuild

As long as the environment variables point to the right places in, VHLS will build with TLM POWER 3 and spEEDO. To build without POWER 3 and spEEDO, configure with the following flags:

./configure --enable-plugins --with-tlm-power=no --with-speedo=no

Energy statistics

To include energy usage, build TLM simulation models with USE_ENERGYSHIM=1 make. On real hardware with a compatible energy probe connected, build with USE_ENERGYSHIM=1 NATIVE=1 make and run with USE_ENERGYSHIM=1 CURRENTPROBE=<hostname> make run where <hostname> is the network name of the probe, such as

For all energy statistics, energyshim must be compiled in. For energy statistics from a current probe, currentprobe-client must also be compiled in.

Since the NATIVE environment variable only affects the compilation of the energyshim, as long as matMul.o is compiled with USE_ENERGYSHIM=1, the object file can be re-used for compilation on real hardware for direct comparison.