
This project is an implementation of an app with React to build the interface and show data from an API. atlas-cinema-guru is a pocket movie app in which we will keep track of our favorite movies and set up a watch later list.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


This project is an implementation of an app with React to build the interface and show data from an API. atlas-cinema-guru is a pocket movie app in which we will keep track of our favorite movies and set up a watch later list.

Tise Figma link contains the main components of the design and detailed information about the project.

Recommended Steps for Testers

Create a folder

Set up Folder to place the backend and frontend clones

Copy code

mkdir cinema-guru
cd cinema-guru

Cloning the Repositories:

Clone the backend API repository:

Copy code
git clone https://github.com/atefMck/holbertonschool-cinema-guru-API.git

Clone the frontend repository:

Copy code
git clone https://github.com/CKCarr/atlas-cinema-guru.git

Running the Backend API:

Navigate into the API directory:

Copy code

cd holbertonschool-cinema-guru-API

Build and run the Docker containers:

Copy code

docker-compose build --no-cache --force-rm
docker-compose up -d

Running the Frontend:

Navigate into the frontend project directory:

Copy code

cd ../atlas-cinema-guru

Install dependencies:

Copy code

yarn install

Start the development server:

Copy code

yarn start

This setup will allow testers to run the backend and frontend simultaneously and interact with the full application.