- Access information from an API using a GET request and use it to update the DOM
- Listen for user events and update the DOM in response
- Send data to an API using a POST request
For this practice code challenge, your objective is to build a frontend for our
monsters data. Currently, the index.html page has a script tag to js/demo.js
so that you can see a demo of the finished app. Comment out the script tag to
and uncomment out the script tag to js/index.js
where you will
code your solution.
If you haven't yet, install json-server
$ npm install -g json-server
Then run the server with:
$ json-server monsters.json
- When the page loads, show the first 50 monsters. Each monster's name, age, and description should be shown.
- Above your list of monsters, you should have a form to create a new monster. You should have fields for name, age, and description, and a 'Create Monster Button'. When you click the button, the monster should be added to the list and saved in the API.
- At the end of the list of monsters, show a button. When clicked, the button should load the next 50 monsters and show them.
Get the list of monsters:
GET http://localhost:3000/monsters
optional parameters:
_limit=[number] - limit the number of monsters returned
_page=[number] - offset your request for monsters to some page (must specify a limit)
GET http://localhost:3000/monsters/?_limit=20&_page=3
sample response:
"name": "Chronos",
"age": 4005.302453418598,
"description": "Effulgence eldritch shunned foetid. Ululate gibbering tenebrous foetid iridescence daemoniac. Stench nameless gambrel. Amorphous furtive iridescence noisome. Foetid mortal nameless.",
"id": 1
"name": "Tartarus",
"age": 1874.4913565609456,
"description": "Cyclopean swarthy amorphous singular accursed furtive non-euclidean stygian. Swarthy gibbering charnel eldritch daemoniac gibbous. Cyclopean lurk hideous tentacles squamous immemorial tenebrous mortal. Madness tentacles furtive mortal foetid decadent. Foetid immemorial comprehension.",
"id": 2
"name": "Hemera",
"age": 4094.8375978925988,
"description": "Dank immemorial abnormal gambrel. Cat lurk unutterable. Abnormal tenebrous ululate. Nameless swarthy manuscript eldritch indescribable accursed antediluvian decadent.",
"id": 3
Create a monster:
POST http://localhost:3000/monsters
"Content-Type": "application/json",
Accept: "application/json"
{ name: string, age: number, description: string }