
tkinter GUI for Python Credential Generator.

Primary LanguagePython


tkinter GUI for Python Credential Generator.

Warning! Using "Million_text.json" output length with "Randomized" or "Realistic" password generation can significantly increase processing time and resource demand

Seed File Info:

Seed files for credential generation use filtered lists with numbers, punctuation, characters and words containing three or less letters removed. Seed .json files taken from selected literary works by: Chinua Achebe: ("Things Fall Apart" - Chapter excerpt in short_text.json)

Franz Kafka: ("The Metamorphosis" - Excerpt used in medium_text.json)

Henry David Thoreau: ("Walden, and On The Duty Of Civil Disobedience" - text used in long_text.json)

Fyodor Dostoyevsky: ("Crime and Punishment" - text used in longest_text.json) ("The Brothers Karamazov" - text used in million_text.json)

Edgar Allan Poe: (Various collections of works used in million_text.json)

Homer: ("Illiad" - text used in million_text.json) ("Odyssey" - text used in million_text.json)

Michel de Montaigne: ("The Complete Essays of Montaigne" - text used in million_text.json)

All text sourced originally from Project Gutenberg