
Simple WhatsApp Bot

Primary LanguageJavaScript

WhatsApp Bot

FX Website Fork Repository Deploy on Heroku Deploy on Koyeb Deploy on Render Deploy on Railway Termux Installation Panel Installation Deploy on Codespaces Deploy on Replit

Overview: A simple WhatsApp bot built with the Baileys library, easy to deploy on various platforms.

Local Deployment

Steps to Run the Bot Locally

  1. Generate a Session ID: Create your SESSION_ID here.

  2. Configure Environment Variables: Create a .env file with the following:

    HANDLER="." # Command prefix
    WELCOME_MSG="Welcome to the group!"
    GOODBYE_MSG="Goodbye, we will miss you!"
    ANTILINK="false" # Anti-link detection
    AUTO_BIO="true" # Update bot bio automatically
    AUTO_REACT="false" # Auto-reaction to messages
    AUTO_READ="false" # Auto-read messages
    AUTO_STATUS_READ="false" # Auto-read status updates
    STICKER_PACK="Astro;FXBOTTO" # Author for stickers
    LOGS="false" # Enable bot logging
    DELETED_LOG="false" # Log deleted messages
    DELETED_LOG_CHAT="false" # Log deleted chats
    TZ="Your/Timezone" # Specify timezone
    WORK_TYPE="private" # 'private' or 'public'
    RMBG_API_KEY="your_removebg_api_key" # Background removal API key
  3. Launch the Bot: Use Node.js, Docker, or your preferred method.


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