
Spirit - The animation tool for the web

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Spirit is the animation tool for the web.

npm version Build Status Greensock Compatibility

Spirit Runtime - API


Spirit uses GSAP tween and timeline for animation playback. By default it fetches GSAP from CDN.

If you already have GSAP installed, you can pass it to Spirit:

* @param {Object} GSAP { tween, timeline }
  tween:    TweenMax,
  timeline: TimelineMax


Change auto inject url for cdn. Default: https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/gsap/latest/TweenMax.min.js

spirit.config.gsap.autoInjectUrl = 'https://cdn.somewhere.com/TweenMax.min.js'

Create groups

Create groups based on animation data

* @param   {Object}    data     animation data (created with Spirit app)
* @param   {Element}   element  bind groups to element (default document.body)
* @returns {spirit.Groups}
spirit.create(data, element)

Load groups

Load groups based on animation data. Use XMLHttpRequest to fetch the json data and parse groups.

* @param   {String}  url     load animation data (created with Spirit app)
* @param   {Element} element bind groups to element (default document.body)
* @returns {Promise}
spirit.load(url, element)


<div class="container">
  <!-- html used for animation -->
// load animation and bind to container element
const groups = await spirit.load('./animation.json', document.querySelector('.container'))

// play jump
groups.get('jump').construct().then(tl => tl.play())

// play wave
groups.get('wave').construct().then(tl => tl.play())

As you can have multiple animation groups, you'll need to construct the GSAP timelime before you use it.



Simply download and include with a script tag. Spirit will be registered as a global variable.


npm install spiritjs


yarn add spiritjs

And use it:

import spirit from 'spiritjs'

const groups = await spirit.create(data).construct()

// play all animations
groups.forEach( ({ tl }) => tl.play() )