
Programming assignment for Week4 of the GettingAndCleaningData Coursera course

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Programming assignment for Week4 of the GettingAndCleaningData Coursera course

Files contained in the GitHub repo

The GitHub repo contains the following files:

  • README.md : this README file
  • CodeBook.md : The Code Book for the project
  • CodeBook.html : the HTML translation of CodeBook.md
  • data_catalog.txt : the column names of the resulting mean_measures.txt file, used for creating the CodeBook.md file
  • run_analysis.R : the R language script that contains all reproducable steps from getting the origin data to writing the final result tidy data set into a data file on disk

Steps to reproduce the analysis

  1. Download the origin data file DataSet.zip and unzip it's content in a directory named "UCI HAR Dataset" on your disk
  2. Open the run_analysis.R script in RStudio
  3. Run the run_analysis.R script
  4. Open the resulting data file and check that it contains 180 lines of data

Output of the analysis

The result produced by the script and saved into the data file named "mean_measures.txt" contains every unique measure and combination of a SUBJECT and an ACTIVITY. The resulting data file is what is called a "tidy data set". Column #1 is the SUBJECT_ID and column #2 contains the ACTIVITY. The other columns [3:81] contain the actual mean of the measures.