C# SuperAdventure Game

Setup Your Workbook

  1. Fork this workbook to your account by clicking the "Fork" button.
  2. On your fork, click the "Clone or download" button and copy the link
  3. Clone the repository to your local machine git clone "enter url here"
  4. Navigate into the directory cd directory-name
  5. Open folder in text editor, navigate to the GitSetup folder and make a change to Setup.cs by setting "Hello!" to "Hello World!", and save the file
  6. In your terminal, stage the file git add GitSetup/Setup.cs
  7. Now commit the file git commit -m "Setting up workbook"
  8. Push your changes up to your fork git push origin master
  9. Navigate to your fork on Github.com and click "Pull requests", then "New pull request"
  10. Enter your First and Last name as the title and click "Create pull request"

making a change