
Rust implementation of CRC(32, 64) with support of various standards

Primary LanguageRustApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

crc Build Status

Rust implementation of CRC(16, 32, 64) with support of various standards


Add crc to Cargo.toml

crc = "^1.0.0"


git = "https://github.com/mrhooray/crc-rs"

Add this to crate root

extern crate crc;

Compute CRC16

use crc::{crc16, Hasher16};

assert_eq!(crc16::checksum_x25(b"123456789"), 0x906e);
assert_eq!(crc16::checksum_usb(b"123456789"), 0xb4c8);

// use provided or custom polynomial
let mut digest = crc16::Digest::new(crc16::X25);
assert_eq!(digest.sum16(), 0x906e);

// with initial
let mut digest = crc16::Digest::new_with_initial(crc16::X25, 0u16);
assert_eq!(digest.sum16(), 0x906e);

// more customization
let mut digest = crc16::Digest::new_custom(crc16::X25, !0u16, !0u16, crc::CalcType::Reverse);
assert_eq!(digest.sum16(), 0x906e);

Compute CRC32

use crc::{crc32, Hasher32};

// CRC-32-IEEE being the most commonly used one
assert_eq!(crc32::checksum_ieee(b"123456789"), 0xcbf43926);
assert_eq!(crc32::checksum_castagnoli(b"123456789"), 0xe3069283);
assert_eq!(crc32::checksum_koopman(b"123456789"), 0x2d3dd0ae);

// use provided or custom polynomial
let mut digest = crc32::Digest::new(crc32::IEEE);
assert_eq!(digest.sum32(), 0xcbf43926);

// with initial
let mut digest = crc32::Digest::new_with_initial(crc32::IEEE, 0u32);
assert_eq!(digest.sum32(), 0xcbf43926);

// more customization
let mut digest = crc32::Digest::new_custom(crc32::IEEE, !0u32, !0u32, crc::CalcType::Reverse);
assert_eq!(digest.sum32(), 0xcbf43926);

Compute CRC64

use crc::{crc64, Hasher64};

assert_eq!(crc64::checksum_ecma(b"123456789"), 0x995dc9bbdf1939fa);
assert_eq!(crc64::checksum_iso(b"123456789"), 0xb90956c775a41001);

// use provided or custom polynomial
let mut digest = crc64::Digest::new(crc64::ECMA);
assert_eq!(digest.sum64(), 0x995dc9bbdf1939fa);

// with initial
let mut digest = crc64::Digest::new_with_initial(crc64::ECMA, 0u64);
assert_eq!(digest.sum64(), 0x995dc9bbdf1939fa);

// more customization
let mut digest = crc64::Digest::new_custom(crc64::ECMA, !0u64, !0u64, crc::CalcType::Reverse);
assert_eq!(digest.sum64(), 0x995dc9bbdf1939fa);


Bencher is currently not available in Rust stable releases.

cargo bench with 2.3 GHz Intel Core i7 results ~430MB/s throughput. Comparison

cargo bench
     Running target/release/bench-5c82e94dab3e9c79

running 4 tests
test bench_crc32_make_table       ... bench:       439 ns/iter (+/- 82)
test bench_crc32_update_megabytes ... bench:   2327803 ns/iter (+/- 138845)
test bench_crc64_make_table       ... bench:      1200 ns/iter (+/- 223)
test bench_crc64_update_megabytes ... bench:   2322472 ns/iter (+/- 92870)

test result: ok. 0 passed; 0 failed; 0 ignored; 4 measured


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